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[deleted] t1_ja914ip wrote



briinde OP t1_ja954nz wrote

We don’t really care about or need his money. It’s more of wanting the overall behavior to stop.


Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_ja960df wrote



briinde OP t1_ja97z49 wrote

Ok take the money out of it. There are another accompanying behaviors that are associated with this whole scammer situation that need to stop.

Like talking with them in the living room on speakerphone on his phone, and asking other family members to give him money so that he can send it to them. These people telling him sob stories that regularly bring him to tears, etc.

If I can stop the flow of money, they’ll stop bothering him when they realize he has no spendable money.


Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_jaah0o8 wrote

Here's my thing.

  1. You posted this asking how you can take control of his finances against his will.

  2. You then make a reply to one of my comments that "he's asking for money from family to pay to the scammers"

So what is it? Does he have his own money or not?

Also, you're naming inconveniences to you. Him talking loudly in the living room. Him being moved "to tears"...

This whole thing sounds weird, which is why I'm questioning you right now.

You're leaving some details out. And I have known quite a few people that did crazy things to make sure they get "their proper share" of their parents retirement/inheritance.

You need to explain this situation out more.


briinde OP t1_jaahes1 wrote

In addition to all of his money, he’s asking others to contribute. I guess we’ll just disagree that I have a right to be upset about this.


Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_ja968kk wrote

It's his money. He worked for it. He should decide how it's spent.


Bindernator t1_ja98588 wrote

To be this obtuse with someone who sounds like they’re having a tough time getting their father’s affairs in order to take care of him as he declines is nuts to me, to be rude on top of it is wrong. If you have family that cares about you, which I sincerely doubt considering your lack of empathy in this situation, I hope you never have to see them decline the way some elderly people do.


briinde OP t1_ja984e2 wrote

Wouldn’t you also want to see a family member not get scammed?


Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_jaahbwx wrote

I want my family to be happy. And if I have to come out of my pocket for them to do whatever it takes for that to happen then so be it.

My parents had the hardest life and they sacrificed all their happiness for me.

The least I can give them at this point is money.....
