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Top_Ad5385 OP t1_jd4ogft wrote

The mock up of that entrance is the most hilarious ugliest, uncoolest thing I have ever seen in my life


WavyGuyB t1_jd5khnq wrote

Agreed looks like something from a video game.


beeeps-n-booops t1_jd60uqd wrote

Hilarious that you guys are expecting something classy and well-designed... in AC.

The entire town was built on a foundation of gaudiness LOL


dirty_cuban t1_jd82rij wrote

If an email used that design motif on the wall I would assume it’s a scam email. Looks like someone a Nigerian scammer would make in MS paint.


sutisuc t1_jd4rem9 wrote

Always glad to see adaptive reuse in historic buildings but god is that entrance awful


-686 t1_jd5x160 wrote

Wish cannabis lounges were more of a thing in NJ.Bars aren’t fun anymore. Also… that’s a shitty entrance.


Snownel t1_jd5r8ps wrote

If there's a place I'd want to be while blasted even less than a lounge full of other blasted people that reeks of weed, it'd be a lounge full of other blasted people that reeks of weed in Atlantic City.


Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_jd7lrlj wrote

I been hitting my dab pen at the tables for years now. No one ever complains


Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_jd7lwdl wrote

And smoke joints/blunts right on the boardwalk at night. A while ago cops would just take it or tell me to put it out.

Last few years they don't even bother you


Holdmypipe t1_jd7c3kg wrote

What a cool looking entrence!