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impracticable t1_jcz8q9g wrote

Interesting. My entire commute door to desk, including a walk to the PATH and intentional detours for comfort, is only about 50 minutes, and. costs me about $6 per day on a one-off basis. On a day where I really don't feel like walking I can take a shuttle bus to the PATH and shave 20 minutes off, but I really prefer not to do that.

If I were to take the DeCamp bus, Google says my commute would be (1) a 20 minutes walk to the DeCamp stop (2) 37 minutes on the DeCamp bus (3) 20 minutes on the NYC subway (4) another 5 minutes walk to my office, for a grand total of about 1 hour and 22 minutes, and a cost of about $20 per day on a one-off. basis.

I think there's a reason why so many people who live in town work downtown rather than uptown (and why that number seems to increasing proportionally), and it is likely part of the reason why the economies of running these routes no longer makes sense for DeCamp.


thebruns t1_jczp46n wrote

You know Kearny extends beyond your home right?

Its a 45 minute walk from the closed train station to PATH,-74.1441884/40.7394025,-74.1555632/@40.7608165,-74.1606901,14z/data=!4m2!4m1!3e2


impracticable t1_jczpy76 wrote

Yeah, I specifically said "I know this isn't for everyone," and I made commentary about why I think these factors are precisely why we're seeing development in the areas we are, and changes to the demographic to support the type of commuting that I do and away from other types of commuting. The geographical location of Kearny suits one much more heavily over the other.