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nuncio_populi OP t1_jdk1td5 wrote

The cost is irrelevant. The point is to show community resistance to a billionaire’s attempt to take over one of NJ’s best parks.


horsetradem t1_jdkg8zw wrote

The cost is “irrelevant”? Then you can write the check. Don’t piss away my hard earned taxes on nonsense like this.


nuncio_populi OP t1_jdkmgjg wrote

No, let me explain the point again: the objective isn’t that this petition would ever come to fruition.

It’s mainly a way of 1) rallying support and showing Trenton and Phil Murphy how angry Jersey City is at Paul Fireman and his attempted theft of our public land; and 2) highlighting the nonsensical farce that a billionaire (who claims to want to “support the children” of Jersey City) needs our public park to build his amenities instead of using his own property.

If he’s so keen on building these stadiums, concert venues, and community centers, then he’s welcome to donate his golf course to the state park system. Otherwise, we’ll continue this form of protest and seek signatures “asking the state to use eminent domain to compensate him for it.”

What we really want is for Fireman to leave LSP alone so the DEP can complete its environmental remediation and finish restoration of the park’s interior.