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ThusSpakeJaybz t1_je6regf wrote

Thank you for this. As a parent to a happy child, this story was like a knife in the gut and I was hoping something like this would pop up.


outofdate70shouse t1_je78pwd wrote

What happened?


tonyprent22 t1_je83jm1 wrote

People heard one side of a story and are brigading.

Not saying she doesn’t deserve it, if true. But the video was a mom accusing her of a lot of things. Then this lady vehemently denied it and said the mom was a liar.

She looks evil so she’s catching hate but if we are being honest we only have half a story. Not sure I’d be comfortable signing the petition based off just the video.


ManchuDemon t1_je9eez6 wrote

She wears a Chanel broach while she has teachers barely scraping by after suffering through the pandemic and buying their own supplies. That's more than enough reason on its own to hate her.


CaptainTeemoJr t1_jea52gz wrote

That’s the the hate threshold these days? Ok update my log book, thanks.


ManchuDemon t1_jea97jv wrote

Being completely out of touch with those you're supposed to represent and flaunting your wealth while those who work for you struggle financially? Is that really so difficult to comprehend?


CaptainTeemoJr t1_jebahli wrote

You hate, and are encouraging others to hate someone, because of the broach they wear. That’s what you say?


tonyprent22 t1_jead854 wrote

So someone that stayed in school to earn their PHD and earn a larger income shouldn’t enjoy it or she deserves hate? Is it her fault she’s paid what she’s paid?

If a doctor goes to school and earns his degree and opens his own practice and becomes wealthy is he an asshole for driving a Bentley to work when the nurses drive Hondas?

Like that is such a ridiculous take. She’s entitled to earn and make money. Superintendents earn more. That’s the way it is all across America. They earn more because they take on a ton of responsibilities. They aren’t just showing up to meetings once a month.

If that’s honestly your threshold I’d have to say you’re a rather hateful person.


ManchuDemon t1_jeajsuz wrote

Lol what an adorably awful hot take. Have a great day!


dutchlizzy t1_jeaznhz wrote

She didn’t earn her PhD though, she just lied about having one. Even though the taxpayers paid for her to get one three different times.


StillNotWeirDanuff t1_je9crhj wrote

My mother and many of her colleagues taught in Monroe for years. This woman is trash.


StillNotWeirDanuff t1_je9oada wrote

Ummm…she presents evidence in a calm manner showing her side of the story? Instead, screams at parent, whose child is dead, and denied everything. Like I said a few comments down, my mother and colleagues can confirm she is a nasty woman.


tonyprent22 t1_jeadveg wrote

She didn’t present evidence though. She just told her version of a story. That’s it. Absent of proof… I’m not about to just sign a petition to remove someone’s job based on a 5 minute video where two people clearly don’t like each other.

I also could care less about your mom and her colleagues opinions on their boss. Like 90% of the working world hates their boss. It’s not some random concept, and her being a shitty person still doesn’t “prove” that she’s not within her right to vehemently deny someone who is lying about her.

Again I don’t know the full story. And neither does anyone else here. It’s kinda appalling so many people are willing to call for this woman’s job based solely on her appearance and her reaction to a lot of serious accusations


Dozzi92 t1_je892vz wrote

Petition doesn't have any real value so it doesn't matter anyway. You did hit the nail on the head though. The mom's story was awful, and as a parent I hate to hear it and think only of my own kids, but like you said it is only one side of the story, and a side with what may be considered a vested interest.

Someone comes to your work and says things you consider to be untrue publicly. What would you do?


ra3ra31010 t1_je9frm0 wrote

I’d say “that’s not true. And I have the documentation to prove it. I can show how I handled it.”

She didn’t say that. And she made it a he-said-she-said. Which was…. an interesting and immature choice to make.

The mom has evidence from the therapists at least. Hope she finds the police incident too….

I found it insane that they didn’t say anything about having the ability to prove it wasn’t true calmly, rather than lash out and look like she wanted to punch that moment in the face if they were off camera.


randygiles t1_je9l3a5 wrote

Frankly her demeanor in her response shows she is unfit to be in a profession related to the upbringing of children. Unless she has since come out and said “I’m sorry, I was in a bad mood because of X terrible thing” I’ve seen enough.