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therealpetejm t1_je7u2s9 wrote

I agree with your frustration here, was walking my dog a few nights ago and gave a car a few seconds to get through the crosswalk since they were super close. After I slowed down to not be in it so they could keep going the fun happened.

As I was walking across more than halfway through a line of ambulances (not running code) were approaching and failed to stop for me, I saw the headlights out of the corner of my eye and bolted the rest of the way across with my dog. Didn't even stop to check on me, but the ambulance behind them did and I damn sure got their info. The problem was no one at the HQ was having any of my complaints and kept bouncing me around. I know these folks are underpaid and overworked, but damn it would've been funny as hell to be hit by an ambulance then taken to the hospital in the one behind it.