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Nice_Improvement2536 t1_jdc7tas wrote

Yeah hope they can find the state trooper with the giant neo-nazi tattoo on his neck.


onlyequity t1_jdccj43 wrote

A state trooper with open skinhead tats. Tell me more how racism doesn’t exist in law enforcement.


onlyequity t1_jdcyhz6 wrote

Oh wow same cop drove drunk on the job then sued to get his job back. He’s a great representation of our tax dollars protecting and serving.


SpeedySpooley t1_jdc75b9 wrote

The lack of information in the article leads me to suspect he walked out of a rehab facility looking to score.

I could be 100% wrong, but that's the first thought that came to me.


Vegoia2 t1_jddp0wf wrote

He had to check up on the meth labs.


Pherllerp t1_jdcnti2 wrote

Wait...he's clearly a nazi. How is that fucking allowed?


beltalowda_oye t1_jdcrp3e wrote

When people say some of those that work forces are the same that burnt crosses, they're not trying to be edgy or anything.


SeparateAddress9070 t1_jdco67f wrote

I have news for you.... The Police in the United States are inundated with White Supremacists, and white supremacist gangs.


Pherllerp t1_jdcr9jc wrote

I mean yeah I'm not naïve about that but one would think that tattooing the quiet part on your neck would make everyone go "'ve made a mistake."


gordonv t1_jdcr1ev wrote


There is a gentleman by the name of Daryl Davis that explains the influx of racist hate groups in the police. His interview with Joe Rogan is a good summary.

He also has a book and wants to start a museum.


gordonv t1_jdcrig7 wrote

The short answer is that hate groups and organized crime have and continue to infiltrate law enforcement. They use qualified immunity and other advantages to protect their hateful or criminal stances.

Law enforcement admission is nepotistic and abusive. A low barrier of entrance with a high level of responsibility and power.


EdLesliesBarber t1_jde41yz wrote

Common. Remember this when your local "Community police" are pushing their propaganda on children.


-686 t1_jdd85gb wrote

Hope he’s lying in a ditch for that ink


PetitWazoo OP t1_jddtp7l wrote

I submitted it without comment because I didn’t want to spoil the jury pool with my observation that he was A Neo-Nazi. I was a little surprised that NJSP’s standards could be so low. I see It’s pretty obvious to even the casual observer.


murdoc_k t1_jdd7w9y wrote

I hope they find his corpse in the dumpster. Fucking racist pig


pleuvonics t1_jddfquk wrote

Hope he stays missing the nazi prick


Ecstatic-Passage-113 t1_jddkp9q wrote

  1. Sounds like he's in rehab.

  2. That's def an Aryan Brotherhood tattoo on his neck.

AB has heavily infiltrated NJ police especially in Cumberland county. Corrections officers too


Rusty_Ferberger t1_jdc7jz8 wrote

He is condidered endangered? I don't think that word means what you think it means.


tonyisadork t1_jdcpuy3 wrote

Probably awaiting tr*mp’s signal to attack someone/something in NYC this week.


ZookeepergameOk8231 t1_jded782 wrote

I have a strong feeling there is a lot, a real lot of intense shit going on with this guy and state police. Why is he the one “endangered”?


Booga424 t1_jdh8g3x wrote

They don’t want to lose any fellow Nazi’s