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thewetsockdevil t1_jdkafa1 wrote

Dekay's brown, as mentioned. Put it back outside, it will keep the rodent population in check. Edit: another user brought to my attention that Dekay's do not eat rodents, but primarily feed on small invertebrates. Still good to have, especially if you have a garden.


orthopod t1_jdkrg20 wrote

Also indicates that there is a rodent problem.


backwynd t1_jdl40uc wrote

>New Jersey



onyxpup7 t1_jdm2y8c wrote

hahah, true


the_last_carfighter t1_jdm5j5r wrote

I have a cat problem, they're peeing everywhere, rodents tho, no problem. I'm lobbying the town to get some gorillas to take care of the cat problem.


onyxpup7 t1_jdm7kik wrote

I wonder if your cat problem has taken care of your rodent problem?

Jokes aside, maybe your county has a TNR program? I’m in South Jersey so my critter problems are all well rounded ಥ_ಥ


Truthseeker24-70 t1_jdm8ic5 wrote

Cat problem, not possible. You simply have potential friends and companions.


Candy-Level t1_jdl7qzd wrote

Always called these “Rat snakes”… assuming they are one in the same?


thewetsockdevil t1_jdngnwi wrote

That is the problem with what we call common names, actually. There are probably a dozen or more species of snakes in the US that people call rat snakes, but they are all distinct species. Here in NJ, I believe we have black rat snakes, which are different from these guys.