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rpg25 t1_jebf13e wrote

Can't say I had the same experience with them. I had them for two years and each year they drastically raised my rate despite having made no claims or having any adverse events on my driving record. I'm convinced it was a teaser rate to get me to bite and then they raised it when they felt they could.

Of my coworkers? Many swear by them and recommend them like yourself. That said, there are also a decent amount of guys who said that they were dropped after one claim.


colonel_batguano t1_jebg26u wrote

They don’t drop you for one claim, but if you have points on your license, they will drop you for certain.


rpg25 t1_jebhkts wrote

That may have been your experience… But I have it on good authority from people who I trust that would have no reason to lie to me that they got dropped after a single claim. And honestly? It stands to reason that they might drop you after one claim to keep rates low.