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ThereAreDozensOfUs t1_jdwgj7t wrote

It’s unfortunate how massacred this IP is. The graphic novel was such a fun read over years. The show is…not


RedIsNotMyFaveColor t1_jdxqek1 wrote

The show is probably in my top 20 favorites ever. To me it never got bad, just stale during Negan’s second season. Then it ramped up big time after that.


fpfx t1_jdw011k wrote

"Post apocalyptic" is now old man!


HumanShadow t1_jdwcuxs wrote

Oh yeah it totally makes sense that those two would team up. I wasted so much time watching that dumb show.


LithiumFlow t1_jdwfp0a wrote

😂😂 didn't he literally beat her husband to death LOL


imchasingentropy t1_jdww1gs wrote

I can't believe they're investing money in multiple spinoffs. The last season had some pretty bad viewership ratings, seems like a risky choice.


thebruns t1_jdxa4fp wrote

On the flip side, the last season was one of the best. Dont read that to say Im recommending it, just that it did end on a good note.


Irrilogical t1_jdx1jyo wrote

If you don’t want to watch the show don’t watch, no need for the hate. I for one am just happy to see NJ get some love for once!