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Longtermthrowaway5 t1_jecxdzh wrote

You know it really comes off the wrong way when the only identifying information you provided is that they are black.

You can also provide approximate height, what they were wearing, their gender. Tattoos? Any accents? What good is your warning going to do other than to be weary of all black people that say they are from PSE&G, which is every black PSE&G employee


njdevils3027 t1_jed5v8m wrote

Nah this is a pretty reasonable description. How many assholes are going around impersonating pseg workers? Not many. In this case there were two and the most easily identifying factor is they’re black. Gender would’ve been nice too bc that’s easily identifiable.


minahmyu t1_jef0qdv wrote

If the title said two white people impersonating pseg, wouldn't you still want more descriptions? White folks vary just as much as black folks do.

Gender isn't always identifiable since I have people mistaken me as a man all because I shaved my head.


njdevils3027 t1_jef1xx8 wrote

Stop looking for a problem where there isn’t one


minahmyu t1_jefrw3k wrote

So when it doesn't affect you, it's not a problem?

Well, it's a problem to me and I'm calling it out and I don't need you to tell me to stop, or do anything.


njdevils3027 t1_jefs97k wrote

There is nothing wrong with pointing out that these con artists were black. It’s helpful to know for anyone else in the neighborhood that they might try to con. You need to grow up


minahmyu t1_jefugf0 wrote

There's something wrong when that's the only description as if..... that's the only thing to work on. You need to get more life experiences and realize people don't live or experience life like you.

Anyways, cheers and I'm done responding


njdevils3027 t1_jefusa2 wrote

You’re in the minority on this one so maybe you need to get out more and speak with different folks. You sound like you don’t talk to black ppl ever.


minahmyu t1_jefyvbu wrote

Um, I am the minority, literally. Have you not even clicked on my profile?


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_jed6wgq wrote

Is that the most easily identifiable? There's tons of black people. It does relatively little to narrow the pool. Their clothing would be more identifiable. And it's not just the number of people impersonating PSE&G. You also gotta factor in actual PSEG employees going around.


tonyg73 t1_jefsabj wrote

Agree...the reference to "black" wasn't needed. We need to be more cognizant of the words we choose and try to avoid stereotyping/profiling. I'm sure it wasn't intentional.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_jefuowg wrote

I don't think it was intentional, but that doesn't make it any more acceptable.


Emperor_PVP t1_jecy64g wrote

UHHH IM SO SORRY I COULDNT THINK BUT I THINK their height was Abt 5 7 to 5 9, no accents, tattoos not visible due to the green shirt or uniform it was bright green like those construction worker uniforms, and both were female, no long hair either..
