Submitted by vermonterjones t3_yh3u92 in newjersey

Coming home tonight, we saw West New York Parking Authority officers ticketing cars all along Blvd East at 11 pm. Is this new?? I thought we had an unspoken understanding that after 6 pm and before 8 am, you parked where you could as long as you weren’t blocking someone in or a driveway. Is this going to be the norm now? If so, they gotta give us the lots they promised us before the mayor got elected… Not to mention all the missing spots along the two blocks of Blvd East blocked off for construction. Can’t have it both ways!



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onlyme1984 t1_iuc0vcu wrote

Don’t live there but I think maybe because it’s a big night for ppl out at bars, clubs, parties, etc. Make some money off of the extra cars in the area 🤷‍♀️


111110100101 t1_iufgwbo wrote

>I thought we had an unspoken understanding that after 6 pm and before 8 am, you parked where you could

You're really pushing it. It's more like 10pm to 7am.

Personally, I find the habit of parking all over bus stops and curb ramps to be completely obnoxious especially to the disabled. If you need a guaranteed parking spot at night it's something you should account for when you're looking for your apartment/house.

Also, WNY has residential parking permits. They were probably giving tickets for that.


vermonterjones OP t1_iufs1b6 wrote

Agreed, but they weren’t only ticketing nonresidents. Also I am looking for exactly that.


111110100101 t1_iufvkvo wrote

The bus stop parking is a serious issue and I wouldn't be surprised if there is some ADA litigation in the future, or maybe already in the works. San Fransisco is removing parking at all their bus stops and some other cities have been successfully sued for deficient bus stops

The parking always comes up as a political issue in Hudson county and I think people are delusional. WNY has 50 thousand people crammed into about a square mile. Where the hell is there room for everyone's car?

Even if you added more spots, people will just buy more cars for their family and fill them all up. The lack of parking is the limiting factor on how many cars people will own.


Algae-Ok t1_iucyi64 wrote

I mean most towns have overnight parking rules so people that aren’t from that town will get tickets which is a good thing. You don’t want people from out of town parking overnight taking spots away from residents.


vermonterjones OP t1_iudf5se wrote

There aren’t any spots to take; that’s the problem. We park where we can until morning and move them before they start ticketing.


Algae-Ok t1_iudfid0 wrote

Well blame New Yorkers for parking in NJ and leaving their cars all over. NJ is trying to push back on that new NYC tax they are trying to push. You live in one of the most densely populated areas parking is always a issue.
