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fidelesetaudax t1_itgdnw8 wrote

L O L. Self-involved politicians have their priorities so screwed up. Both sides see these sIgns as a “show of strength” and believe them important for the election simply because the other side does. In reality how many people are changing their vote because of these signs? Like .001 %? Is that worth the theft charges? Might be important for a third party candidate but Dem Vs Rep? Useless eyesores.


felipe_the_dog t1_itgedo8 wrote

I kind of agree. They're an eyesore and don't do anything. Ban all of them.


this_my_reddit_name t1_itgercr wrote

Also support banning them outright on public land (you wanna put one on your own lawn, more power to you)

The worst is when the election is well and truly over and you still see them on the side of the road. At what point does it become littering and we can charge the campaigns to remove them?


eeo11 t1_itgrq7u wrote

Some people still have Trump 2020 signs out… there should definitely be a limit to how long these things can be displayed


mdp300 t1_itgveru wrote

Some of them just drew a 4 to make them into trump 2024 signs.


Extra-Routine-5864 t1_itmcuo9 wrote

Midterms are not the same as presidential elections. Trump is not running for Midterms.


Draano t1_itgfwnw wrote

Many people get elected due to name recognition.


Zhuul t1_itgqo51 wrote

It's kinda funny how people overestimate their immunity to advertising.


Big_lt t1_itgfz55 wrote

They do more than you think. Subconsciously seeing the name will do a lot for months on end


NatAttack50932 t1_itgotmu wrote

They really don't. Campaign signs don't sway anyone. They just have a person's name pop out. They're worthless.


raindropdroptopz t1_itgqd3c wrote

I think in a local election like school board seeing a neighbor have a sign in their yard might sway people, especially when the candidates aren’t supposed to be a certain party and don’t have much press otherwise. But that’s a perfect world and not the one we live in, I think seeing campaign signs are atrocious.


NatAttack50932 t1_itgu8ws wrote

Yes buts thats only for school board. When your only campaign strategy is putting up signs it will work because its all people get exposed to. Its exposure bias.

If you just do yard signs in a congressional campaign you're going to get crushed.


NotTobyFromHR t1_ithgsrw wrote

As much as I hate the signs it did make me aware of local names. I'm not on FB and other social media.


PurpleSailor t1_ith54zi wrote

I've got no evidence but I think it helps with name recognition when someone that doesn't pay attention to politics is in a voting booth. "Oh, I've heard of that guy" click.