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therealdieseld t1_iuf3bua wrote

Until you said specified Republican, your statement could go both ways honestly


Rainbowrobb t1_iufu9yd wrote

Aside from a tiny group of fools, no one questioned that Trump won the 2016 election. Hillary conceded within a day. He won based on the rules to win the presidency. Whether he knew or not, it was clear certain foreign adversaries pushed to have him elected. There were protests wearing pussy hats, which has proven to be an appropriate reaction given the recent ruling.

Trump has never conceded and directed an angry mob that he knew was armed (Jan 6 hearings had the audio proving he knew they were armed) to at-best intimidate legislatures, at-worst to kill them. That happened.

Don't equivocate the scenarios.


Basedrum777 t1_iuf528b wrote

There's only one party who actively campaigns on citizens of America getting treated differently because of how they were born. It's not democrats.


Zaknoid t1_iufg84s wrote

Poster was talking about how both sides claim they won while they lost.


Basedrum777 t1_iuflced wrote

Pretty sure he was referencing the facism unless he posted a clarification....


NewbornXenomorphs t1_iufxyap wrote

When did Democrats storm the Capitol in an attempt to stop an electoral process again? I forget.


[deleted] t1_iufzfll wrote



angusshangus t1_iuiahfx wrote

Hillary Clinton or Obama or and D leader encouraged rioting? I don’t remember that but I certainly remember Trump doing this. Get out of here with these false equivalencies. The democrats are not anywhere the wannabe fascists many republicans are.


seltzerforme t1_iuftc5g wrote

You’re wrong. Since the dawn of Trumpism Republicans own the hate


[deleted] t1_iufti9x wrote



jimgolgari t1_iufv3ne wrote

Yeah? Are there a lot of Democrats breaking into Mitch McConnell’s home to beat his wife’s skull in with a hammer?

I’m also having a hard time remembering the failed coup in 2016 when Trump won.


[deleted] t1_iufvbgj wrote



jimgolgari t1_iufvp9a wrote

You mean his neighbor who did not break into his house but beat the shit out of him because he’s a terrible neighbor? Sure. Violence isn’t OK but if my neighbor knocks my teeth out because I don’t clean up after my dog that’s not politically motivated.


OgOnetee t1_iug2ye3 wrote

What do you view as the Democrats "worst ideals" and how would you compare them the the "worst ideals" of Republicans?


di11ettante t1_iugdxw7 wrote

One party's leaders - not wingnuts; leaders - stopped calling the other party by its actual, incorporated name 25 years ago.

Sorry, this isn't a "very fine people on both sides" situation.