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ShallowFreakingValue t1_iqy9mrb wrote

I am pro choice but think there should be reasonable limits (I.e. no abortions of healthy/viable pregnancies in the 3rd trimester without extreme extenuating circumstances)… would i feel welcome at this March?


IndigoBluePC901 t1_iqyhxug wrote

Healthy babies at 3rd trimester usually have names and gifts for them picked out already. By then, their nursery is painted and put together and moms to be are usually attending baby showers. I've never heard of anyone wanting an abortion that late. I'd consider the process at that stage agonizing.

Idk how welcome you'd feel, but there are a lot of personal stories shared at a march like this. In general, pro choice marches can be very upfront and graphic about the subject. Hard to predict who will say what, but i doubt anyone would start hostile or violent. Never seen violence at a pro choice rally.


MainStreetinMay t1_iqykkdj wrote

Thank you for explaining this. I had an abortion at 18 weeks. My little guy’s heart wasn’t growing correctly. I still have the unused pregnancy announcements and positive pregnancy tests.

No one changes their mind at the last minute. And even so, a doctor won’t perform an abortion unless the health of the mom is at stake.


ShallowFreakingValue t1_iqylqiw wrote

I agree, and thanks- that’s what I was wondering.

I love all the slogans and tongue-in-cheek chants, but since having kids I am oversensitive to certain topics. Seems like I will sit it out and do my protesting at the ballot box.


BenBishopsButt t1_iqyiaai wrote

You're completely entitled to your beliefs. If you support the decision regarding ending a pregnancy being between a pregnant person and their doctor, who would be performing the abortion, you are welcome.

What wouldn't be welcome is someone who would support, or advocate for, laws that take that decision away from a pregnant person and their doctor. Legislating the "extenuating circumstances" that you list is, at best, a very slippery slope. There are very, very few pregnancies that are terminated in the third trimester. If a pregnant person does need one of those, should they have to wait for their doctor to clear it with legal to proceed? If they are even willing to do such a procedure in the first place, for fear of legal or religious retribution? That is why people who support a right to choose don't necessarily accept these types of legislation.

Women in other states are being left with knowing that they cannot even get rid of embryos that, by all intents and purposes, would not survive and be spontaneously aborted in many cases. In which cases, in some states, they would be charged with crimes of the homicide variety, through no fault of their own. That's what this march is about.

I have never met a woman, whether it's a mother, hope to be a mother, or hope to never be a mother, who advocates for these late term abortions like people complain we do. So if you want to support anyone who wants to be pregnant, come. Or anyone who hopes to never be pregnant. Or anyone who doesn't know if they want to be pregnant. If you want to proselytize about how you would like to draw lines, with no knowledge of the individual people who are going through very different situations, stay home.


pleuvonics t1_iqyic9m wrote

People aren’t really going into the idiosyncrasies of their ideologies at these things. A lot of people will disagree with you but doubt it will come up.


Comfortable_Monk7372 t1_iqydyqj wrote

Good question, I never really gave abortion much thought till my daughters sat me down and gave me a talk.