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itsashortcut t1_iu2akzf wrote

A couple years from now, when the oil drilling, and refining industry in the USA is once again operating at 100% instead of 25% which is where we are at now, and when the volume of electric cars on the road are truly taxing the electrical grid, thereby drastically increasing the electrical rates, who knows what the license plates will say.


CapeManiac t1_iu2prt2 wrote

So make more nuclear plants and power lines.


Meem-Thief t1_iu32dmc wrote

we fucked up by slowing down more nuclear energy development, it needed to have replaced fossil fuel energy sources yesterday


TheSpaceBetweenUs__ t1_iu3ggvb wrote

As if electricity production wouldn't just increase to meet the demand, fossil fuels or not? Lmao


Obvious_Ad9670 t1_iu2f83u wrote

I don't worry about these things. Money always finds a way to make the impossible possible. The ice car plates should say: lol 30 min wait to pump electrons.
