Submitted by CodeSequence t3_ybvssu in newjersey

I live in NY and everytime I pass NJ to get gas I always think I have to tip the gas station workers. I don't know if it is necessary though and I would like to know if it is common to tip or not. Gas is cheaper than NY but not as much. And then after tip(usually 3 dollars), gas becomes more expensive to fill up than NY.

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picklequeen66 t1_itit14h wrote

Around the holidays, but outside of that no


Algae-Ok t1_ititflu wrote

Depends on if it’s my guy or not.


airthrow5426 t1_ititrby wrote

I tip well at restaurants and other situations where tipping is expected.

I have lived in NJ my entire life and have never even considered tipping the gas station attendant.


BlazinBladeRanger t1_itiur36 wrote

I do it if they wash the window. Yes, they do this, sometimes...


afk_again t1_itiuy24 wrote

Not for pumping gas. Maybe for something like cleaning a window. But that’s very rare.


Just_Faithlessness98 t1_itiw7fc wrote

Fuel attendant here. I don’t expect people to tip at all unless they’re asking me for favors. You’re cool if you’ve never tipped just for getting gas but you’re a pretty shit person if you’ve had fuel attendants check your oil or put air in your tires for no tip. I’d say like 2% of NJ plates tip, whereas like 40% of out-of-state plates tip, and are sometimes astonished that it’s not standard to tip


Vdszbz13 t1_itiwl2k wrote

thank god most said no. i consider myself a good tipper and i would absolutely die if i found out we were supposed to be tipping all this time. i figured if it was standard i would’ve noticed my parents do it as a kid at least!


compaholic83 t1_itiwncz wrote

I've tipped around the holidays or on brutally cold days with high winds and sub zero wind chills.


hagemeyp t1_itixa52 wrote

Who next to tip, the cashier at the grocery store, the guy who puts my pizza slice on a plate, the receptionist at the Dr office? Say no to tip culture.


lightlysaltedfries t1_itixeb3 wrote

I used to pump gas in high school and through college. The only time I received tips was around the holidays. This one old lady in a station wagon would always give us $10 each. Also, if I was filling up gas cans sometimes I’d get something. Wildest tip by far has been a pound of hickory smoked deer jerkey.


zsal830 t1_itixlhg wrote

why would anyone tip the easiest job alive


talk_birdy_2_me t1_itj13jk wrote

Never. I don't want them washing my window either and expecting a tip, because I didn't ask for that extra service and I don't want the dirty ass squeegee messing up my windshield


Ok_Physics_1284 t1_itj16po wrote

I pumped gas when I was 16 and you might get a buck or two a day but not really expected. I also only ever tip like a five here and there around the holidays if it’s super cold and say get a hot coffee or something, but pretty much never tip. And can’t remember the last time even doing so.


Early_Calendar_70 t1_itj1j19 wrote

Once offered tip on Christmas Eve but Costco Gas attendant refused.


SomeRealEstateGuy t1_itj4djf wrote

No. I pumped gas in high school. I’d be sitting out there in a little shack in 30 degree weather having to scrape snow off peoples cars to get to the gas tank door, hands frozen, and I don’t remember anyone ever ripping lol


HighCaliberBullet t1_itj7qqv wrote

I do most of the time , if I have cash. I’ll drop $5 once in a while. I feel bad when I’m unable to. Idk if anyone feels this way.


jon8282 t1_itj8gw1 wrote

Tipping the gas station attendant is absolutely not expected or necessary.

Some exceptions that I typically follow:

If my windows are filthy or there’s a huge bird shit and the guy does it without even asking

If there’s a young kid there at a family owned place and he does the windows regardless of need or quality of work - “thanks buddy nice to see you hustling this summer”

Brutal cold like sub 5* F I’ll usually give a couple of bucks for them to get some soup or coffee inside

I’ve seen a bunch of replies here that they tip “their guy” during the holidays - im good with this but I don’t have a guy, I guess my spot has high turn over


Ilovepizza713 t1_itj93i2 wrote

If there was a tip jar that said “Deposit $1 and we won’t bother you while you pump your own gas” I’d tip every time


Saito1337 t1_itjfvga wrote

Never. Wouldn't even be a thing as I don't use, or carry, cash.


junenjuly t1_itjircg wrote

Holidays and immediately before, during, and after natural disasters, e.g. hurricane Sandy.


Hrekires t1_itjksfx wrote

I might tip if I had to fill-up on Christmas Day or New Year's Eve, but I typically plan in advance to avoid needing gas on a holiday.


Big-Sundae-3878 t1_itjnz9s wrote

When it's really cold out, I do but normally I don't.


njripple t1_itjqc2e wrote

Don't tip unless it is freezing out. Used to pump gas a long time ago when the credit card swipe machine was the manual type and we used to create our own tips by adding an extra digit to the charge and customers had no clue.


Confident_Side5068 t1_itju13v wrote

This sounds like a crazy question to me. Having lived out of state for a few years, I have absolutely no problem pumping my own gas. Full service is something I never asked for.

To me, it would be like moving to another state where the restaurants didn’t offer a take out option, and you had no choice but to have someone serve you if you wanted to get food out.

And no, I don’t tip on take out either. Food and gas are expensive enough on their own.


MainStreetinMay t1_itkobjc wrote


But an ex-boyfriend and current husband (both New Yorkers) tip.


Cant-think-of-a-nam t1_itkvovi wrote

No tip because i just fill it myself. They just start the pump for me


Dellserv t1_itl31s7 wrote

Always 1$ tip. Dudes are standing and pumping all day, in rain and storm, in 90F weather and 20F weather. Give them the damn $


ShoreMama t1_itld3ds wrote

I might tip if the guy decided to wipe my windows, but other than that never. Not because I don’t think they don’t deserve it, because I’ve lived in Jersey my entire life and it’s never been a thing here. You go, fill it regular, (or 20 regular) they fill it, wait for attendant to come back and take the pump out, then have a nice day. I’m going to be lost if I ever have to move out of state 😂


besct t1_itle71c wrote

If I have spare singles and they clean my windshield.


Soggy_Breakfast_8607 t1_itn1wz4 wrote

After living in the south for a year I realized how easy it is to pump your own gas so now I never tip the guy unless most/all the pumps are full and they’re the only person running around


Mountain_Attention47 t1_itnjh3f wrote

I keep a dollar in my sunglass holder and I tip if the attendant cleans my windshield, but not if they just pump gas.