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ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_islz4s8 wrote

I grew up on the high side are you a lifer or new to par? I'm out west but intend to move back to LH in the spring.


poland626 t1_islzbkn wrote

new but I've been here nearly 10 years at this point. I'm from old brige originally but I'm in LH now.

I'll try one of those groups you suggested, thanks!


ophidiophobia_py_dev OP t1_ism0ksf wrote

I left about 6 years ago I'm excited to be coming back I know ppl post on the NJ hiking sub but there are groups on meetup. If you're new to hiking get good shoes a comfortable bag and a Pocket first aid kit. Always tick check doesn't matter if it's winter anymore you need to do it and get soap for poison ivy. When I lived in par I would also go to Ringwood and ramapo, ramapo is great from the bottom lot to check out ruins but the top lot is faster. Also there are great trails off 9f Clinton rd, west of Clinton rd is waywayanda which is also great. You're in the middle where nothing is too far