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jimtow28 t1_itvz7w9 wrote

> Cemeteries? is this really an issue?

I would think kids might gather and smoke in cemeteries. I don't know, even that seems like quite a stretch, but it's all I can come up with.


Linenoise77 t1_itwj6bq wrote

do we live in a cheasy 80s movie?

Hey, Tony, me and Tony are headed to the cemetery to smoke


LordRaison t1_itwuul2 wrote

Do you think kids still don't do that? It's not really cigarettes anymore, but they still go to these places to smoke/vape nicotine and marijuana since they are usually out of sight and away from the adults responsible for them.


heardbutnotseen2 t1_itwjmvt wrote

Not a stretch. It’s actually really common. I’ve had to chase away a batch of teens smoking while sitting on my mother’s headstone.