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yankeeblue42 t1_itwbl7p wrote

See this doesn't have to go hand in hand. I'm calling bullshit here.

NJ is so anti smoking that they don't provide any opportunity to put the cigarette butts away. Guarantee you this would be much less of an issue if ashtrays and filters were more regularly available.

France and Japan encourage you to throw the butts in the garbage. Southeast Asia simply has ashtrays at every restaurant or bar table plus filters on hotel balconies. Much less butts are on the street because of it.

If the US implemented more of this, particularly Northern states like NJ, this would not be nearly as big of an issue.


whskid2005 t1_itwive8 wrote

That doesn’t track. How many people smoke in their cars and throw the cigarette out the window? Since they’re a smoker in their own vehicle, wouldn’t they know to have a trash bin in their car?


SailingSpark t1_itwrdld wrote

My late grandmother lived a mile from a traffic light. People would light up at the red and when they got to her place, throw the butt out the window. The first 8 feet of her lawn was nothing but cigarette butts. They were nearly impossible to get out of the grass.


Eveready116 t1_itx5p16 wrote

People just don’t really litter in Japan to begin with. Every time I visit I am hard pressed to find any spec of trash on the ground.

Every food/drink related establishment has ashtrays because it is frowned upon heavily to ash on the ground outside. There is also usually one of those ashtray stands so a group of people can ash their cigs there and discard the butt into the garbage under the ashtray. If there isn’t one outside an establishment, people use an empty beverage container that they hold in their hand. Butts don’t get thrown on the ground, always the trash can. People smoking in their cars typically have a drink bottle filled with a bit of water and store the butts in there and then discard later.


rxbandit256 t1_itwfwz3 wrote

While I disagree with the bill in the article, I don't want to foot your "proposed" bill because smokers can't properly dispose of their debris.


xXMcFuddyXx t1_itwhmlv wrote

No public trash bins then?


rxbandit256 t1_itwjijq wrote

No additional ashtrays/bins paid for by public money. It's not just the cost of the bin itself but then there's the cost of people to empty it, to pick up litter around it, to replace it when it eventually gets broken etc.


amozification t1_itwjymu wrote

Literally the same logic. “I don’t like people using so many plastic bags! Remove recycling bins so plastic bags go away!” ^i ^know ^nj ^doesnt ^allow ^plastic ^bags ^anymore


EatPrayFart t1_itxnfx2 wrote

I don't get it...You know you can't recycle plastic bags in any single stream recycling bin right?


breakplans t1_itwsxoz wrote

Is a filter those tall skinny stack things? Because I’ve seen enough of those just slowly smoldering all day long to know they are useless and gross. They make the whole parking lot or area smell bad if someone tosses a lit butt in there. You’d take any other garbage with you, take your butts too!