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dbrank t1_iu95pum wrote

Always and forevermore, FUCK TED CRUZ.

Piece of shit voted against federal relief for the storm after it hit, then begged for it when Harvey hit TX


PSEOL t1_iu97fak wrote

I’m no Ted Cruz supporter, but let’s not pretend politicians don’t stuff these kinds of bills with provisions completely unrelated to the relief effort.


sirusfox t1_iu9mtng wrote

You trying to tell me that Cruz wasn't doing the same thing?


PSEOL t1_iu9n3wt wrote

The party in power always does this.

My point is that’s an objective bad reason to dislike someone.


sirusfox t1_iu9nsqw wrote

And my point is, it's disgusting to reject assistance for others and then turn around and beg for it for one's self. Your implied argument that he voted no because ' there was unnecessary things in it' falls flat when there was likely unnecessary funding in the recovery bill that he was begging people to approve


PSEOL t1_iu9o8h5 wrote

You’re missing my point entirely.

Ted Cruz is not the only person who does this. Almost all politicians do.

A ton of democratic congress members are voting against Florida relief for Ian, after they wanted support for Sandy relief.

Hate politicians for their beliefs, not their party line votes.

It’s just odd and misinformed to call out Ted Cruz specifically when it’s not something only Ted Cruz does.


sirusfox t1_iu9p6u3 wrote

If that was your intended point, you completely missed making it in your first post


PSEOL t1_iu9pmed wrote

Your inability to read is not my problem. I’d work on that if I were you.


sirusfox t1_iu9qf6n wrote

I would reread what you wrote, you made no mention of other politicians doing the same, only that these types of bills have funding for things other than assistance.


PSEOL t1_iu9r1o2 wrote

> I’m no Ted Cruz supporter, but let’s not pretend politicians don’t stuff these kinds of bills with provisions completely unrelated to the relief effort.

Here I made it really easy for you.

No go away and try to find some internet FWB on Reddit ya weirdo.


KennyCalzone t1_iu9rwuf wrote

Let’s not pretend that you’re not trying to change the topic.


DrPepper1848 t1_iubu4qp wrote

Lol funny how true this is but you’ll be downvoted to hell speaking things like this on this platform


PSEOL t1_iucqk90 wrote

Don’t really care about the points…lol

Watching people embarrass themselves trying to argue back is reward enough.


johnnyrockes t1_iuc2jwg wrote

Don’t try any logic on this server


groovaymack t1_iuels32 wrote

seriously. it’s 1 in a million where you’ll get people agreeing with you on here.


MrsBonsai171 t1_iu9ecdz wrote

Had a baby that day.


hedgerow_hank t1_iu9i6br wrote



MrsBonsai171 t1_iu9ii5c wrote

Thanks! We are having his double digits party tomorrow!

I'm terrified of hurricanes and hospitals. My PCP happened to be doing rounds that day and came to visit me. She knew my history with medical stuff and told me when she saw my name on the list she had to come and make sure I was ok.


hedgerow_hank t1_iu9jk00 wrote

Well THAT was lucky. Did you have the kid before or after the lights all went out?


MrsBonsai171 t1_iu9keal wrote

Right before it came in. We were at Overlook and the emergency generators came on. Luckily I was drugged and exhausted through the worst part. I grew up in the south so I knew what I was going to wake up to. It was really hard seeing people there not preparing when I knew what was coming.

The morning after I was starving and it wasn't breakfast time yet so Mr. Bonsai went to the cafeteria and they were rationing food. He convinced them to give him a piece of sausage and a pancake for the both of us. He let me eat both.

Man this is bringing back memories...

We had to plan our route home carefully because of trees down. All the traffic lights were out. All of them. It reminded me of Hugo. Our apartment complex didn't have electricity but had heat. But in a stroke of luck somehow our building was one the only one that had electricity but no heat. But we had an electric heater when the snow came in.


Mammut_americanum t1_iua5bpx wrote

I remember my dad going out in the worst of the hurricane to check on some elderly neighbors because we had lost power. It was absolute hell outside and I remember being scared shitless for him and my neighbors. The week after was fun imo, everyone sleeping around the fire, charging our ds in my dads car so we could play Pokémon, the absurdly long lines for overpriced gas, the week off of school. I remember distinctly that my mom had a pot of cinnamon sticks and water on the stove to make the house smell nicer. I guess it’s just odd that out of something so destructive I found something nostalgic


ReggieNJ OP t1_iu8kgop wrote

Also, fuck the National Hurricane Center for not issuing any watches or warnings for New Jersey because the storm was "extratropical".


PSEOL t1_iu8rf3d wrote

Ah yes, cause that would have changed things?

EVERYONE knew Sandy was coming and how serious it was going to be, regardless of shaded sections on a map.

Perhaps you were too young when it happened, but the coverage was immense on all local channels and weather channel for several days before the storm. This wasn’t some sleeper storm.


i-have-n0-idea t1_iu8xniu wrote

Yeah. We almost stayed because we were fine with Irene, But when they said 12 foot storm surge, we weren’t going to risk it. Storm surge is nothing to F with. Got 2 feet of water on our first floor. Would have been terrify to watch that come in. My street has never had that kind of water before. Crazy.


mdp300 t1_iu9acuf wrote

I definitely remember some government agency, maybe National Weather Service, issuing very serious warnings because they didn't want to think it would be like Irene again.


A_Downboat_Is_A_Sub t1_iu9ew00 wrote

They showed their storm surge forecast map for Sandy to Chris Christie and he thought they were joking, so he told them to come back "with the real map". An hour later they presented him with the same map, and that's the moment he knew it was going to be really bad.


rockmasterflex t1_iu935mc wrote

There were also evacuations and shelters set up too, in advance. This was well advertised as a “bad time” for NJ


onlyme1984 t1_iu8vmne wrote

You’re not wrong, but at the same time nobody imagined it would be as bad/destructive as it was. Yes they warned us, but we never saw anything of that magnitude before.


PSEOL t1_iu8y3tq wrote

And a graphic from NHC wouldn’t have changed that…

Let’s not pretend the NHC just stopped reporting information once the storm was extratropical, because that wasn’t what happened.


this_my_reddit_name t1_iu94fk5 wrote

Yeah, I can't say I know where this hate for the NHC is coming from. I do know that there's some debate in the weather enthusiast community as to if Sandy made landfall as a hurricane or extra-tropical storm. Sandy making landfall as a named tropical cyclone would have upped the insurance deductibles a lot of homeowners would have had to pay. I know my deductible is pretty significant if such an event were to occur. It's significant enough to where I would have to weigh making the repairs out of my own pocket or paying the deductible and making a claim. There's a "conspiracy" theory that states the scientists downgraded Sandy to extra-tropical just before landfall under pressure from the government to keep insurance deductibles down. Yeah...I don't know about that one.


onlyme1984 t1_iu9hcth wrote

I wasnt referring to the NHC reporting - wouldn’t have changed a thing you’re absolutely right. I just meant that despite all the warnings regardless of what type of storm they said it was nobody was prepared for what hit us.


this_my_reddit_name t1_iua2q24 wrote

You know, part of it was definitely this mindset that "oh, Irene wasn't that bad, it's just the news media blowing it out of proportion again!"

In a way, the worst thing that could have happened to us was Irene. I remember we went all out preparing for Irene. We were nervous, the fire department rode around telling us there was a mandatory evacuation, and - in our area - it was a big nothing burger. Power was out for a few days and nothing else happened really. Then a year later Sandy hit and - in the middle of it - we came to the realization that Sandy WAS the real deal. I had water lapping up against the tires of my first ever brand new car. I was convinced I was about to lose it to the surge. Thankfully, the water started receding before that. My neighbors weren't so lucky.


ismokeweedle t1_iu9mbkx wrote

My family had seen our fair share in Puerto Rico so they took it pretty seriously. Hurricane Georges trapped us in our neighborhood bc of flooding, no power/ water for weeks. I was in Louisiana during Sandy, my family leaving the coast gave me some peace of mind.


ReggieNJ OP t1_iuawyyr wrote

Too young? I'm 36 now and still remember that day pretty damn well. Nobody around us thought it was going be as bad as it was. We thought if we went through plenty of nor'easters before, we'd be fine. This was far worse. And all anyone talked about in the days after was the lack of information for how dangerous the storm would be for inland areas, not just the immediate coast.


MayflowerKennelClub t1_iuc0yc7 wrote

for real, it reminded me of how we were tracking katrina for like a week before landfall


CaptnSisko t1_iubhtkn wrote

This actually helped a lot of people who didn't have to pay a usually higher 'Hurricane deductible' they could pay their regular deductible.


hedgerow_hank t1_iu9i5fu wrote

Wow... that was just 10 years ago. Seems like a couple of lifetimes.


UriahPeabody t1_iu9uqpo wrote

Bought my first house 2 weeks before this. It is like Sandy said "welcome to homeownership. Now here's a hurricaine."


cd2220 t1_iuafngj wrote

Man it's weird to think of how long it's been. It feels both like it was wayyyyy longer ago but also like it was so recent at the same time.

I had the weirdest time through it all as my mom and I evacuated to our grandfather's house in Philly. He had just passed away a week or so earlier so staying in his house without him in it was the strangest thing.


joe_digriz t1_iuaitj5 wrote

Being inland, we didn't get hit with the rain or water as much (despite being next to the D&R and Raritan)... but the wind ripped *EVERYTHING* apart. There were constant flashes of lights as transformers exploded from falling power poles, large trees ripped up from the roots, lots of houses which suddenly had large holes in the roof or siding, any loose stuff lying around was suddenly hundreds of yards away, etc.

Hillsborough looked like one of those disaster films, with wires and poles and housing materials and other debris spread all over the place.

I remember the biggest initial challenge to restoring power wasn't replacing the poles and wires, but just getting stuff cleared out enough to even get to the places.


Glengal t1_iuavr7w wrote

Yeah our town in Hunterdon power was out for 2 weeks. Difficult to find gas to run the generator. Out in the sticks we have well pumps, and septic pumps. So no water or flushes without some power source.

My in-laws house at the shore has hit with 6 feet of water, what a mess.


playdohplaydate t1_iubpl9h wrote

I lived in brick in waterside gardens about .25 miles from the bay and I can tell you it was a night of ringing doorbells to wake people up, getting cars moved to high ground and people up into 2nd floor neighbor apartments. I was playing Skyrim until the power went out around 9/10p and water came in around 11p/12a. I used my car radio for local news since our apartment lot had some high ground. Whole neighborhood was flooded around 12:30. Cars in the lot were flooded but some of us got them onto grass and were fortunate. Rest of the night it was take photos from the apartment cause how could you not, we were trapped, and watching the random green glow of electrical transformers exploding in the distance.

Afterwards, without electricity and heat, it snowed a day or so after and police asked us to leave again. Then it was about two weeks of grilling outdoors with neighbors and oddly fun in those moments. The Ark in pt pleasant was closed a while I remember, right next to a military spot light that was temporarily set up.

I worked a temp job at ocean first bank in the mail room which had generator power and we were handing out whatever cardboard boxes we could find to generally anyone that needed it.

We all have stories of that night and as horrible as it was we are so unbelievably fortunate that it is not an annual occurrence like other parts of the country.


TattooedMom69 t1_iubb3hx wrote

I lived in the Silverton section of Toms River, we had no power for 13 days. Got a generator on day 4 but only for 3 heaters and 2 lamps...We roughed it out. Falling asleep every night to the sound of all the neighbors generators, good times


partspuke t1_iuao2uy wrote

Dropped a tree on my house. My wife had just walked through that part of the house.


donniedenier t1_iubc67g wrote

ugh yup. just after my 23rd birthday. i was just about to host my first big club event i spent months setting up. finding a venue, promoting, making flyers, booking DJs, then we got hit with Sandy and i had to cancel the whole thing.

gave up on the idea of being an event promoter immediately after. figured it was an omen.


Brilliant_Tourist400 t1_iuc1l75 wrote

I remember before it happened, a lot of people weren’t concerned - Irene had been preceded by forecasts of gloom and doom, and it arrived at the Jersey Shore as just a rainstorm. And then, the day before it hit, I decided to drive down to Spring Lake to see what the waves looked like. The ocean was turbulent in a way I couldn’t remember seeing before - it was truly an angry sea. Coupled with the fact that the wind was already strong on the beachfront, I suddenly knew the worst case scenarios were going to play out - this thing was a monster.


Brookelyn42 t1_iuc5h9a wrote

We bought our Woodbridge house in 2010. We had Irene a year later … and then Sandy. 80 houses in our neighborhood have been taken down since for Blue Acres. I know it’s the right thing. But we watched neighbors who had lived here for decades leaving because these two storms forced their hand.


Lucasa29 t1_iucxk7e wrote

The newspaper box survived the storm but I bet it didn't survive the next ten years. At least the Asbury Park Press lives on!


buttfacenosehead t1_iu9xnh0 wrote

Wife and I realized we can be on the sand, under the umbrella in under an hour from Moorestown. I haven't been to the beach in years because I couldn't take the traffic and the crowds.

We go on the beach right in front of that little pizza place. There's a beautiful condo/ Hotel right across the street from where we like to set up, but I think it takes 1.5 million dollars to buy one of those private Suites. I guess this is close as I'm getting to it.

Much easier/faster than trying to get to Wildwood, Cape May or any of the more Southern points which are too-far for a day-trip for me. I'd always want to stay over.

We used to have a place in the Villas. It's a far ride & you're still 11 mi from Cape May or Wildwood, but it's a nice way to get some property down near the shore for under 200k & not pay $200+/night for a hotel room.

I'll stick with Asbury Park Beach because I don't really need to stay over for a 45 drive.
