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MrsBonsai171 t1_iu9ecdz wrote

Had a baby that day.


hedgerow_hank t1_iu9i6br wrote



MrsBonsai171 t1_iu9ii5c wrote

Thanks! We are having his double digits party tomorrow!

I'm terrified of hurricanes and hospitals. My PCP happened to be doing rounds that day and came to visit me. She knew my history with medical stuff and told me when she saw my name on the list she had to come and make sure I was ok.


hedgerow_hank t1_iu9jk00 wrote

Well THAT was lucky. Did you have the kid before or after the lights all went out?


MrsBonsai171 t1_iu9keal wrote

Right before it came in. We were at Overlook and the emergency generators came on. Luckily I was drugged and exhausted through the worst part. I grew up in the south so I knew what I was going to wake up to. It was really hard seeing people there not preparing when I knew what was coming.

The morning after I was starving and it wasn't breakfast time yet so Mr. Bonsai went to the cafeteria and they were rationing food. He convinced them to give him a piece of sausage and a pancake for the both of us. He let me eat both.

Man this is bringing back memories...

We had to plan our route home carefully because of trees down. All the traffic lights were out. All of them. It reminded me of Hugo. Our apartment complex didn't have electricity but had heat. But in a stroke of luck somehow our building was one the only one that had electricity but no heat. But we had an electric heater when the snow came in.