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goinunder0390 t1_iuf6pxl wrote

This is actually heartbreaking

Contact local media, there’s no way they won’t want to cover something like this, especially if there is any paper trail


huhzonked t1_iuff2no wrote

Have you contacted a lawyer to see what your options were? Legally, a pet is property.

I will also say, if your friend gets the cat back, the cat should no longer have adventures out of supervision.


luccieighteen t1_iufi38w wrote

^This. What the ASPCA did is theft. You should press charges.


Longtermthrowaway5 t1_iufqs8r wrote

I'm not sure it would be considered theft. Sounds more analogous to a pawn shop reselling something that was stolen. Still not allowed, but not theft.


coffeecrime420 t1_iufpvn2 wrote

yes check into a lawyer tbh!! sounds wild but it might be the best option


fluxural t1_iuf4jg5 wrote

i would reach out to local media or post on larger facebook pages for your county/town and try to put the shelter on blast

i would also reach back out to the police again and perhaps home again for legal advice because this sounds entirely against the protocol everyone was supposed to conduct. i'm sure you are not the first this has happened to, so it seems unrealistic that the final option is to just let it go because people think it's "too cruel" to revoke a cat that was improperly adopted out to return them to their rightful family.


SnooWords4839 t1_iufgpg3 wrote

Police and a lawyer.


You_Are_All_Diseased t1_iug0auv wrote

I’ve seen this kind of thing on r/legaladvice several times and generally the original owner is fucked. Seems like they never get their animals back and at most they can sue for the “value” of the animal which is basically nothing, especially compared to the value of a beloved pet.

This shit makes me furious.


Vertigo963 t1_iug4efx wrote

I dunno. If there is a reasonable amount of proof of ownership (e.g., recent vet bills) and the owner is willing to contact police and spend money on a lawyer, I would tend to think the owner could recover the cat.


You_Are_All_Diseased t1_iughbpm wrote

We’ll have to check NJ law because often the shelter can legally take ownership just by holding an animal for a certain period of time unclaimed.


weon321 t1_iufozvs wrote

Hey! This is fucking heart breaking, I’m just jumping in to say that this wasn’t actually the ASPCA. Based on the name Ross Licitra works for the Monmouth County SPCA, which isn’t affiliated with the national ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). Just making sure anger is directed at the right place, because anything at the ASPCA isn’t gonna affect the Monmouth County SPCA.


Spectre_Loudy t1_iuf7nw4 wrote

I would keep bugging them as much as possible. Call daily, contact everyone up the chain of command, do everything you can to get the chairman's info.

That statement from October 26th is pure bullshit. They just don't want to deal with it anymore. I personally would be going nuclear over this. Get these people's info and never let them go a day without hearing from you until you get that cat back. There's also now way the "new family" wouldn't give that cat back to you. They aren't as heartless as the ASPCA.


SlyMcFly67 t1_iufe3rv wrote

Can you still track the cat and try to talk to the owners yourself? Definitely contact an attorney and start a lawsuit against the ASPCA.


shbd12 t1_iufhhi0 wrote

Many of these ASPCA chapters are run by absolute nutjob police wanna-bees. They are as dangerous AF. Best of luck to your friend.


weon321 t1_iufpayt wrote

Fun Fact: the ASPCA isn’t affiliated with any other SPCAs (source: my training as an ASPCA fundraiser). The ASPCA blows way too much money on shit that has nothing to do with saving animals like galas and shit, but MCSPCA has nothing to do with the ASPCA.


Psirocking t1_iug43c7 wrote

They’re same people who won’t adopt a dog to you if you don’t have two 24/7 stay at home adults with a 10ft fence and no kids or other pets. They look down on everyone.

Oh your cat got out? Not a responsible owner in their eyes, so they think it’s their call to steal it.


orbitalaction t1_iufl9z2 wrote

Legally, it's your friend's property. He just needs the chip paperwork and swear an affidavit that he never approved the transfer of ownership. That family does not own that cat.


FSchmertz t1_iufke9x wrote

This sounds like a story for News 12. Contact them.


joedonut t1_iufoq4i wrote

Make the police report. The police won't want to take the report but insist. Then engage a lawyer.


coffeecrime420 t1_iufqcqz wrote

like everyone else said keep fighting! post this on local facebook pages, news outlets, put it all over social media. contact the family personally if you can! i saw on ig this dog that was stolen by a sitter and possibly rehomed and the story has gone viral now! my heart goes out to you, i would be so lost without my dog. i hope you’re reunited with your cat asap!!


asecuredlife t1_iufouzx wrote

So are these chips not locked or anything? Like, people can just change shit at will? And there's no GPS information or log of who tried to push/pull data to it? This is insane


onelten t1_iufu9bn wrote

it might be a stretch, but the cat is lost property that has id markings. the shelter messed up. guess what happens if you buy stolen property at a pawn shop and it eventually surfaces - it’s not yours (i know not totally the same) and you’re out the money. Realistically it probably is more civil than criminal.

the prosecutor’s office may be helpful to complain about this “police” department. The ASCPCA has been a mess and many counties removed their law enforcement status. the asbury park press may be interested too.


pac4 t1_iufyhxb wrote

Ross Licitra is an elected official, he’s on the Board of County Commissioners. Your friend is a resident of Monmouth County, so she is his constituent. Have her call the county commissioners office in Freehold.


Rainbowrobb t1_iufztdg wrote

Flood social media with the most sympathetic pictures of the cat you can find. Have one where it's napping on a child's head like a hat? Include proof of ownership (the Home again information) Tag every Law Enforcement agency and News agency within 30 miles. Do this several times a day on every platform. Don't stop.


ProfessorKnifey t1_iufp3jy wrote

OP, definitely start weaponizing social media. There is Eatontown Facebook Groups. Blast your story and the photo of Percy. Maybe his new family will line up the details and reach out. Perhaps offer to reimburse them for the adoption fee for their troubles.


Eveready116 t1_iufsidc wrote

K, this is infuriating. It’s time to lawsuit their asses into compliance and emotional damage fees. That other family are pieces of shit as well.


dedewhale t1_iufv0hp wrote

There is no aspca in Monmouth County, that a different origination, it's the MCSPCA.


Mina_Harker22 t1_iufw11p wrote

Keep everything documented

Call the police file a report

Get a lawyer

Contact the media and share on social media what they did.


Antaine1916 t1_iug197v wrote

Get a lawyer and have a letter sent. Indicate you intend to press charges against the ASPCA for theft (given that they knew the cat was already owned and were surreptitiously trying to change the chip. Indicate that you also intend to go after the new family for receiving stolen property.


I don't know if you can actually do any of that, but receiving the letter on lawyer's letterhead may scare them enough into moving heaven and earth to avoid having to find out.


ChunkyThunder t1_iufngfi wrote

That really sucks. I'd be inconsolable as well. The problem is that in NJ there is a 7 day stray hold period before an animal can legally be adopted out. If they had it 7 days or more there's unfortunately not much you can do AFAIK


Award-Kooky t1_iufwzue wrote

Lawyer up & go to local news. There would be hell to pay if this happened to my cat. I’m so sorry


Jimmytowne t1_iug3orp wrote

People change numbers all the time.

But then they notify important contacts to update their info. I’m sorry you are going through this but this is the second mistake involving the care of your cat. It’s not the SPCA’s fault and DEFINITELY not ASPCA’s fault

I’d say update your post but history tends to repeat itself


turbopro25 t1_iug58yy wrote

Call the local news. Put the pressure on them. Bad press is their worst fear.


JudyLyonz t1_iug7qhy wrote

OK, this is a pretty shitty situation and I do think the ASPCA could have done more. But did they call around to all the local rescues and shelters to see if the cat turned up I would think if they did, they might have been able to find the cat before it was rehomed. I'm also assuming the cat escaped out the door and wasn't let outside intentionally.

But yes, AsssumiIng (again) your friends want the cat back, they should follow up with an attorney and find out what their options are. Pets are property so they probably have some recourse. Have they been able to reach out to the people who adopted the cat? I know that if I sound out I accidentally adopted someone else's pet, I'd give it back.


colonel_batguano t1_iug7sr3 wrote

As a pet owner, this infuriates me.

This sounds like a story that would be ripe for “7 on your side” or some similar local news segment and I bet the new owners would much prefer to not be outed on the local news as the assholes who refuse to return a pet to its home and family.


dedewhale t1_iufxz08 wrote

Sorry for your situation and it sucks but they did everything legally they are supposed to do. Spending energy to try and shame them, feels icky to me.

Having a number of acquaintances in animals rescues and shelters and volunteered in the past at shelters, they are completely overwhelmed but they made a call to an old number and waited the mandatory hold period of seven days. Seems like they did what they are supposed to do.

A shelter is on a streamlined budget and understandably does have their marketing database connected to their adoption database. Nor do they have monies or resources to chase down every one....these places are swamped with many responsibilities.

You are not going to like this but your attempt to vilify them is just not right. The way they are handling your requests, might not be the most customersl centric but you made the errors not them .

Also losing an adopted cat might also place you in a spot where you may not profile as an ideal owner anymore.

I would say drop it. You learned a very tough lesson which really sucks but always know who owns the animal control contract for your town and be aggressive in your search and let them know immediately, let the local police know and put signs everywhere. Lastly, keep contact info up to date.


PSEOL t1_iuf1f9l wrote

Ma’am this is Wendy’s


fluxural t1_iuf4auu wrote

typical chronically online behavior lol


PSEOL t1_iuf4ffr wrote

This post should be on Facebook.


fluxural t1_iuf4o3d wrote

what makes this subreddit any different than facebook? it's all social media dimwit, they're seeking help from new jersey locals.

withhold your primal ape desire to make a joke for 5 minutes


PSEOL t1_iuf574k wrote

What are the local going to do? Picket the animal shelter?

OP should call the police or get a lawyer involved, not a pity party in a social media forum.


fluxural t1_iuf5lhc wrote

because social media can bring a situation to attention and light a fire under the asses of the necessary parties to actually respond? it's really not rocket science here babe

sorry that this post interrupted your 100th viewing of "here's my sunday breakfast sandwich!" posts. it costs you 0 minutes to just not comment on a thread you see no value in btw!


abrokenelevator t1_iug3gz9 wrote

This dude posted four different times asking about lettuce as a burger topping so I think we should all feel free to ignore his opinions on whether posts are relevant or not lmao


SlyMcFly67 t1_iufea0d wrote

It's not about a pity party it's about awareness you self absorbed prick.