Submitted by Gemini_writer8 t3_yhmxxj in newjersey

I moved to New Jersey 19 years ago but have never been home before 6:30 pm at the earliest on Halloween. I work from home now and want to be prepared for the trick or treaters but I hear most of them start right after school (which surprised me because when I was a kid we didn't go out until dark). I'm supposed to work until 6 tomorrow and my workstation is in the basement. I want to hand out candy but I don't feel like going up and down the stairs. I looked online and my town doesn't have any designated hours for trick or treating. I'm curious: what time do the kids start in your town?

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JustSomeGuy_56 t1_iuenjpt wrote

In my town the we get the younger kids right after school. The older kids later. The only rule is that if you don't want to participate, turn off your porch light.


Stlpitwash t1_iueokuu wrote

On the way home from school, dump off all the crap candy for my parents to give out, then back out.

That's how we rolled back in my day.


Majestic-Unicorn33 t1_iueqp4l wrote

In my town (Toms River) they trick or treat today, they’ve been out since 2 pm and the curfew is 9 pm.


Gemini_writer8 OP t1_iueqwc8 wrote

I'd prefee doing it on Sunday versus Monday.


Majestic-Unicorn33 t1_iueszi7 wrote

Toms River always trick or treats on the 30th so families can go to Halloween parade on the 31st.


NatAttack50932 t1_iueo1v0 wrote

Younger kids will start early with parents. They'll go around mid-afternoon to make sure the kids go to bed on time. pre-teens and teenagers you'll get later in the evening as they get out of extra-curriculars and sports.


SnooWords4839 t1_iuf6728 wrote

Our town is 3 - 9pm.

You can put a bowl with a sign take one and put small amounts in and check it every 1/2 hour. We do that until 6 pm, between WFH and walking the dog.


5uck3rpunch t1_iuj2g9o wrote

It's trick or treat time somewhere