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jjb89 t1_iwui0yz wrote

lol inflation on a tunnel that has been there for decades and generates billions of dollars apparently costs more. this is about lining pockets not improving anything.


doglywolf t1_iwvq4qp wrote

it more then pays for itself - but they have the PAPD to pay for out of that budget and all the inflated salaries , not to mention sweetheart deals with construction companies that cost 12x what the projected expenses should be.

They could start their own construction department and only have them work 3 months out of the year and sit around for 9 months and still be ahead of schedule and come in cheaper they some of these contracts.


Look at the Holland tunnel it cost 49 million to build , todays dollars that about 800 million today.
Yet somehow making a new train tunnel cost 3-4 BILLION plus over runs.
And a new transit tunnel is said to cost double that .