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New_Stats OP t1_ixjqnv1 wrote

Reply to comment by kzapwn in Frank Sinatra mug shot 1938 by New_Stats

so innocent until proven guilty means nothing to you? Maybe try getting some American values, they're pretty great and the republic will be destroyed when a significant amount of the population abandons them


kzapwn t1_ixjqsgz wrote

I support the boys in blue and our troops


New_Stats OP t1_ixjsys8 wrote

Can you name one value passed down to us from the founding fathers which you possess? Because neither of the things you mentioned are that


kzapwn t1_ixjt37z wrote

George Washington was a troop


New_Stats OP t1_ixju6d1 wrote

He was the general. He's the most highly decorated general in our history, because we just keep giving him more awards every time a living general gets too many stars. It'd be cool if you knew that or read literally anything he wrote. It'll help you act like an actual American and not a reactionary, because the founders' hated reactionaries. They valued logic and reason; they were men of the enlightenment. something this country is abandoning at breakneck speed


Here, pick something and read it. It will enlighten you



kzapwn t1_ixjuee7 wrote

The entire revolution was a bunch of entitled colonizers which didn’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. Read a history book. They weren’t good people. Worse role models than Frank Sinatra.


New_Stats OP t1_ixjvh25 wrote

I've read quite a few history books. And I'm happy to inform you that Jefferson would wholeheartedly agree with you, as he called himself a "barbarous ancestor" to those of us who would live centuries after him.


They weren't infallible, they weren't without massive flaws, just like all humans. They made huge mistakes but to look at only that, without looking at all they accomplished, all the good they did, is just as unreasonable as fetishizing them


kzapwn t1_ixjwffd wrote

What did they accomplish? They created a nation built on Indian land, defended by British soldiers and money with slaves as a bonus