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njstein t1_ixk4y1w wrote

How come when he posts his mug shot it's classy but if I post my mugshots to reddit it's trashy?

I'm cool as fuck. The world just don't know it yet.


Freshest-Raspberry t1_ixlda14 wrote

NJ Stein? Related to RL Stein?


Loud_Profit_6206 t1_ixjknmo wrote

You couldn’t wait until 11/27 to post? Lol


Army_of_blood t1_ixkepon wrote

OP couldn’t risk someone beating him to the karma scoop lol


naut t1_ixktn47 wrote

My grandparents had a house in Bergen county. Well they had a small problem with a neighbor when they had company over. The neighbors' driveway was on the side street and people often parked in my grandparents' driveway. On one occasion this happened and my father sort of stormed over to talk to the neighbor and their guest to give them a piece of his mind and he stopped in his tracks when he saw that it was Frank, their neighbor was friends with Frank Sinatra and dad kinda was stopped in his tracks. I wish he was still around so I could hear more about the story, always wondered what they talked about lol


soneg t1_ixk1g6t wrote

He looks like one of the singers in One Direction


Brilliant_Tourist400 t1_ixm1j9s wrote

Well, Sinatra WAS considered the first teen idol, so this comment is very accurate! (There’s an old Looney Tune where a barnyard of chickens are screaming and fainting over a Sinatra rooster).


BananaAnarchy_ t1_ixksx1t wrote

What if I told you Frank Sinatra was on some freak shit


GooseNYC t1_ixlyv4z wrote

I think that was taken in Fort Lee and he was charged with compromising the morals of a married woman or something like that.


jjm006 t1_ixm89pu wrote

It was Lodi if I remember correctly.


BlackRiderCo t1_ixmginz wrote

Seduction under the false pretense of marriage. Was in Hackensack I believe.


Cate36 t1_ixlcnpt wrote

His eyes are gorgeous! What a great picture.


BootPastaHeroin t1_ixkqdzv wrote

As a comic book collector I can think is that he could be out there getting a whole bunch of copies of Action Comics #1 and storing them in a box in the ground at that very moment but instead he's doing whatever the fuck he's doing.

If only he knew.


CynicClinic1 t1_ixlux5y wrote

Huge print of this photo on the wall at Sonoma Bistro


DayDreamer_124 t1_ixmvgnj wrote

You could tell ol’ blue eyes got BITCHES.


Ezl t1_ixm7v7a wrote

I’ve always thought that was the best photo of him I’ve ever seen.


Basketballjuice t1_ixmhyj6 wrote

What did they accuse him of... did he do it?


Ladyhoneyblu t1_ixmyjm9 wrote

ugh those dreamy, sultry, baby blue 💙 eyes and that hair 😍


kzapwn t1_ixjicfl wrote

What kind of role model is he for children? Sad


ya_guey_ t1_ixjn6hc wrote

He was a great one, in part because of his anti racism work he did early in his career, this being an example. Starts at 3:10.


kzapwn t1_ixjn8wo wrote

He was arrested


ya_guey_ t1_ixjoklb wrote

Well, this dude says so, pack it up.


New_Stats OP t1_ixjo8dh wrote

Innocent until proven guilty is a value we should instill in children. Reactionary bullshit should be discouraged in children and you should better know better

>In 1938, a 23-year-old Sinatra found himself in just such a situation, and he was officially arrested and booked for Seduction. The charge was eventually dropped when it was discovered that the supposedly single woman was in fact married. Later that year, armed with this new information, the original charge was revised slightly, and Sinatra was again arrested, this time for Adultery.

>A bond was set for Sinatra, which he promptly paid, and he was released. The Adultery charge was later dropped and in total, he spent only a few hours in jail as a result of the situation.


kzapwn t1_ixjosun wrote

I don’t want my children to grow up to be adulterous. I’ll stick with Joey bishop as their role model thank you very much


daedalus_was_right t1_ixjv6p2 wrote

You need professional, psychological help. I feel so sorry for anyone forced to be in your life. Please seek therapy you fucking whacko.


kzapwn t1_ixjwroc wrote

Okay thanks


Proramm t1_ixkfgzd wrote

There's a lot of people in this thread not getting your shtick, and that's making this even more hilarious


kzapwn t1_ixkfw2d wrote

♥️ if one person enjoys it, it’s all worth it


1moosehead t1_ixl8uvf wrote

What if you were their role model instead?


kzapwn t1_ixl8xne wrote

The world would be very boring. We would never see another jay walker every again


1moosehead t1_ixl90qr wrote

Maybe be a more exciting person, and your children will be exciting too!


kzapwn t1_ixl91vy wrote

I prefer the Ned Flanders approach to life


New_Stats OP t1_ixjqnv1 wrote

so innocent until proven guilty means nothing to you? Maybe try getting some American values, they're pretty great and the republic will be destroyed when a significant amount of the population abandons them


kzapwn t1_ixjqsgz wrote

I support the boys in blue and our troops


New_Stats OP t1_ixjsys8 wrote

Can you name one value passed down to us from the founding fathers which you possess? Because neither of the things you mentioned are that


kzapwn t1_ixjt37z wrote

George Washington was a troop


New_Stats OP t1_ixju6d1 wrote

He was the general. He's the most highly decorated general in our history, because we just keep giving him more awards every time a living general gets too many stars. It'd be cool if you knew that or read literally anything he wrote. It'll help you act like an actual American and not a reactionary, because the founders' hated reactionaries. They valued logic and reason; they were men of the enlightenment. something this country is abandoning at breakneck speed


Here, pick something and read it. It will enlighten you



kzapwn t1_ixjuee7 wrote

The entire revolution was a bunch of entitled colonizers which didn’t want to pay their fair share of taxes. Read a history book. They weren’t good people. Worse role models than Frank Sinatra.


New_Stats OP t1_ixjvh25 wrote

I've read quite a few history books. And I'm happy to inform you that Jefferson would wholeheartedly agree with you, as he called himself a "barbarous ancestor" to those of us who would live centuries after him.


They weren't infallible, they weren't without massive flaws, just like all humans. They made huge mistakes but to look at only that, without looking at all they accomplished, all the good they did, is just as unreasonable as fetishizing them


kzapwn t1_ixjwffd wrote

What did they accomplish? They created a nation built on Indian land, defended by British soldiers and money with slaves as a bonus


gayscout t1_ixkid7a wrote

So was MLK.


kzapwn t1_ixkiluo wrote

So was dahmer


BootPastaHeroin t1_ixkq5eu wrote

Satire becomes more sad than funny when you start to believe the more outrageous shit for even half a second.

I hate the world.


kzapwn t1_ixkxj55 wrote

To be fair I though this would be deleted pretty quickly. I didn’t know I’d have to keep up the satire for more than one comment


torankusu t1_ixlrf16 wrote

Sadly, the difference between satire and people's real opinions is sometimes hard to discern these days.


InspiredBlue t1_ixjvzh0 wrote

So have other people that doesn’t entirely make them a piece of shit.


Eloping_Llamas t1_ixm8bmx wrote

Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and Jesus were also arrested.

What is your point again?


kzapwn t1_ixmarhu wrote

“What kind of role model is he for children”. It was one message ago why do you need to be reminded