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sup3rdup3s OP t1_iuokjvm wrote

Yeah that seems to be the case but I didn't hear about it. I definitely keep getting spammed by gottheimer ads so I got confused at first.


CrowsSayCawCaw t1_iuq2csp wrote

Welcome to the 9th CD. Our congressman is Bill Pascrell who running against some republican no one cares about, as per usual.


Training-Basket2058 t1_iuujrzk wrote

And how is pascrell superior?


CrowsSayCawCaw t1_iuy2vtk wrote

With Pascrell you get an experienced pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-average people congressman.

His republican opponent is anti-choice, Trump supporting, for tax cuts for the wealthy trickle and down economics. The republicans want to gut social security and Medicare. Put the republican in and he's going to rubber stamp the Maga GOP agenda. Pascrell is on the social security subcommittee so he's someone who isn't going to kow-tow to the Maga agenda.


Training-Basket2058 t1_iuzwk25 wrote

He’s been in office too long term limits?


CrowsSayCawCaw t1_iuzxqnk wrote

Nope. If the people of the district want this person to remain in office why have term limits? Crafting bills and passing legislation takes time. These people also serve on select committees and subcommittees. If you're forcing term limits it would be more difficult to get things done with the constant turnover.