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Accomplished-Log-664 OP t1_iy47jf7 wrote

I was literally about to almost be tailgating a guy on 287 while going 45. If they are doing the speed limit, I can’t really complain, I can only be aggravated, but when you are going 20 miles an hour under the speed limit, it is dangerous, especially with the amount of speeders. I almost got rear ended by some guy probably going over 80 because he could not see that we were going that slow past all of the tractor trailers.


BF_2 t1_iy6r9lj wrote

Yeah, same here. I DO believe that serious underspeeding should result in a ticket -- UNLESS there's damned good reason AND that car is in the right lane.

Good reasons are things like: Your hood just popped open and wrapped over your windshield. Your engine just quit and you have almost no power at all. That sort of reasons.

PSA -- when forced to go slow on a freeway, turn on your emergency flashers. That might save your ass -- or that of your car.