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surfnowokgo t1_ius2rdl wrote

Good luck! I know you didn't ask, but I think one of you should relocate jobs and collectively you'll save thousands in commuting costs and other related costs to sacrificing 2 to 4 hours a day each.
My wife and I did something similar, it was stupid expensive, exhausting, and bad for the mind and body. We both work in the same town and life is easy.


TheCruelOne OP t1_ius49xe wrote

That’s definitely our plan moving forward. I’m in a residency program in Philadelphia so I’m tied here for 4 years, but nearing the end of my program. My husband also moved from abroad in 2020 and was fortunately able to just be transferred to an office in NYC. Definitely a conversation we need to have as neither of us want to be commuting this much in the future! Thank you for the input!