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1piperpiping t1_ixr5fvk wrote

I don't have kids but I lived there for a couple years before the pandemic. It's a nice enough area, the schools are fine, you're not too far from some beaches, from Cheesequake state park, from the train. Close to the parkway. If you have more specific questions, let me know and I'll try to answer if I can.


Darko33 t1_ixr9b6t wrote

I live in the Cliffwood section of Aberdeen and frequent Matawan shops and restaurants constantly. Don't have kids but have heard very good things about the school system. I like the area because it's affordable and so quintessentially Jersey. Quick access to both the beach and NYC. Wonderful dining scene. No real complaints tbh.


beans_be_good t1_ixrodgg wrote

I live in a neighboring town. It’s a great area to raise a family. Tons of athletic, academic, and leisure opportunities.


bros402 t1_ixsa6e8 wrote

It's a good area. My cousin grew up in those schools and got a great education - she graduated college with a high GPA (something over 3.5) and is going for her Masters/PhD


sugarmag13 t1_ixszwo0 wrote

Fantastic area to raise kids. Tons to do, good schools, and love it here.


aggie_green_5078 t1_ixte9am wrote

I grew up there and recently moved but it’s a nice area. A lot of Italian influenced restaurants and people and the schools are more diverse and one of the best high schools according to NJ. Cost there has gotten worse the last few years as well as renting and owning but so has the rest of the state.