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Anonymoushipopotomus t1_iwe2vpj wrote

Shop rite and stop and shop both had their best years ever in 21. I refuse to believe they’re not gouging


PurpleSailor t1_iwhxe7w wrote

People ate far more meals at home than usual so it tracks that it would be a more profitable year. Meanwhile restaurants and eat out places had a horrible year.

Then there's all that extra toilet paper they sold because people weren't s******* on company time.


ukcats12 t1_iwe5kjj wrote

You can refuse to believe it, but they're not. Below are the numbers for Ahold (Stop n Shop) for 2021 vs. 2020 (2022 fiscal year isn't over yet) in millions of Euros, before other operating expenses.

| 2021 | 2020 ---|---|---- Net Sales | 75,601 | 74,736 Cost of Sales | (54,916) | (54,160) Gross Profit | 20,685 | 20,575
