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TheZachster t1_ix8tqed wrote

yes mine was bergen county. It's also how they phrase things. For example Sunrise specifically mentions how they do hospice service (Sunrise was most expensive at 11-12/month), and others may not do hospice service, but they can accommodate hospice coming in and doing everything (that medicare pays for). Essentially the same service, but the more expensive ones phrase it differently. My loved one ended up going to a place that was about 8-9 a month. It was a Brookdale that was bought by Juniper. We liked that it was close to family, and also that the head nurse had been working there for ~15 years consecutively. Figured if they treated their employees well enough to stay a long time, the residents are also treated well. It had its minor hiccups, but ultimately was the right place for the duration that my family member was there. Having it close enough to regularly visit (multiple times per week) is really important. If the staff knows you, they'll treat your loved one better (in my opinion).


mxvu OP t1_ixg13ke wrote

I’ve seen that chain around NNJ / Bergen county. What exactly is included?


TheZachster t1_ixh92tu wrote

feel free to DM if you want to discuss, i think I visited 3 or 4 places before we chose what became juniper. It includes mostly everything that occurs in the facility. Nurse on staff, single room, food, etc. doesnt cover hospital visits, ambulance, etc that occurs outside facility.