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CubicDice t1_iuy98hn wrote

I find the IRS propaganda particularly funny. Imagine being so stupidly naive that you'll do the shouting on behalf of your puppet masters who are petrified they'll have to pay their fair share of taxes. More IRS agents? Excellent, go after the tax dodgers.


aden_feifdom t1_iv09dsy wrote

me never having a pot to piss in or a window to through it out of a few years ago the irs came after me for 20k. all because some 401k form wasn’t sent to me on a transfer from one employer to another. i don’t know nothing about money and always pay my taxes for the little amount i make and had to hire an expensive accountant to figure it all out and boy was that a stressful experience i wouldn’t wish on anyone. turns out i didnt owe anything at all. so, when i hear about the irs expanding to that amount, it actually does concern me because they have the power to make your life hell whether it’s justified or not.
