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hopopo t1_iy0d4a4 wrote

Minimum wage should be $25 an hour minimum.


popshockey t1_iy40321 wrote

Minus $10. $15 for base level/minimum. To jump to $25 all others jobs would have to jump which leads to massive cost increases making $25 in value to 7.25


aden_feifdom t1_iy0l4i5 wrote

25? hardly with the cost of living and inflation. 25 an hour is nothing to scrub toilets or prepare your food. these people are working their tails off to give the haves the services they demand. 35 per hour is more realistic and at least you might be able to rent a small apartment and have a car and cellphone.


GiftfromtheNine t1_iy4qcfq wrote

Its almost like you aren't meant to make a lavish living scrubbing toilets and flipping burgers


Bubbaaaaaaaaa t1_iy0g11v wrote

There would be no such thing as small businesses if this were the case


hopopo t1_iy0i3x8 wrote

>There would be no such thing as small businesses if this were the case

Of course there would be small business. Having competitive minimum wages would make small business thrive.

Having higher minimum wage would make them competitive with slave owners such as Walmart, McDonalds, Dunkin Doughnuts, Walgreens, Pizza Hut, etc...

It is not Tony from a local pizza place and Jennifer from a coffee shop who spend billions of dollars each year on PACs, think-tanks, lobbying, union busting, and buying politicians.

It is minimum wage corporate welfare queens who's business model is not being competitive by being the best, but by monopolizing markets, driving small businesses out of business, and keeping wages artificially low in order to maximize profits.

It is their spokespeople who hammered that phrase in our heads. Please stop repeating nonsense that has nothing to do with reality.


Bubbaaaaaaaaa t1_iy0jewm wrote

Exactly big corporate America has control of all of that so idk how in your rebuttal this would help Tonys pizza or Jennifer’s coffee who are probably just hardly keeping their doors open?

Raising the minimum wage would just drive their costs up and close their doors quicker, no?


hopopo t1_iy0l3a2 wrote

If big corporations have to pay workers living wage they can't keep prices of goods and services artificially low at the expense of workforce. That automatically makes small business owners competitive.

Or in other words if they want to beat price and value of $19 pizza pie made by Tony they would have to lower their corporate profits or offer better product and expedience than Tony. Rather than simply driving Tony out of business by offering $5.99 pizza and than jacking up the price when Tony goes belly up.

Same goes for a local pharmacy, grocery store, hardware store, doctors office or any other business you can think off.


JizzyTurds t1_iy0rl1c wrote

I dunno, 50k a year for even the most trivial job a teenager could do seems a bit much, 14 is 28k a year for a job that requires no education or skills and that seems pretty decent to me. The problem is people feel entitled to make more when they do nothing to further themselves, minimum wage isn’t meant to be able to afford a nice place and buy nice things.


hopopo t1_iy0spdl wrote

If you work 40 hours week you must be able to live off of that wage. Under no circumstances anyone in NJ is living in a "nice place" or buying "nice things" with $52000 a year before taxes. Please don't exaggerate.

Majority of minimum wage jobs are preformed by adults not teens. Ratio is not even remotely close. If you are adult with family how precisely can you better your self if you have to work 80-100 hours a week working 2-3 jobs? How many hours you have in a day? If you allow people to live of minimum wage and 40 hours a week they might have time to take courses and better them self. Right?

Also most teens do seasonal work or part time so there is no way they will get anywhere near $52000... And even if they do, so what they should be paid fair market value for the job they perform.


JizzyTurds t1_iy0utp6 wrote

And that’s my whole point, an adult shouldn’t be trying to live off minimum wage especially with a family, go to school and get a degree, learn a trade skill, there are so many ways to further yourself and make good money and not have to rely on minimum wage being increased. The fact is people are lazy and want their slice while not having to do anything for it, I struggled through my 20s with credit debt, I went back to college and finished my degree in my 30s, the degree wasn’t what I wanted and I ultimately turned to a trade skill and I couldn’t be happier. The point is I never stopped trying to better myself and now I make over 150k a year and I did that through hustle and determination.


hopopo t1_iy113b3 wrote

I would not call people who work minimum wage jobs lazy. That is ignorant thing to say the least.

We need to give people a chance to better them self, and even if they can't they still have a right to live a dignified life.

Did you have to work 2-3 minimum wage jobs at 80-100 hours a week while you were getting your shit together and going back to school? Did you have a roof over your head or did you have to balance the earnings that pay enough to live on our own with rental help that keeps your family from being homeless?

Also, not everyone is capable of finishing trade or higher education for plethora or reasons including mental issues and disabilities.

Are disabled adults not entitled to live a decent life even though the best they can do is sweep the floors, flip the burgers, or bag groceries?


Apprehensive-Fox-127 t1_iy1lo7b wrote

So i hope for your sake that everyone who can goes to trade school or college and betters themselves so next time you are at drive thru there is no one to serve you, all supermarkets are short staffed and so are daycares. Then you will be out there complaining about how everyone is too lazy to work. Lol lol lol.


Richard__Juul t1_iy35g5l wrote

Something happened to nerds where they have become cold hearted misanthropes.


jersey_girl660 t1_iy38f1n wrote

Lol at you thinking it’s that easy to do. Also there’s not enough skilled jobs for what you’re suggesting. Your idea would crash the economy.


Apprehensive-Fox-127 t1_iy1mn1r wrote

Also i worked minimum wage for a couple months while looking for a better job relevant to my degree and no, after i got a higher paying job it wasn’t necessarily ‘harder’ than the minimum wage job. I now earn 6 figures at a corporate job sitting on a desk, and while the value i add is quite high, i would never be arrogant enough to feel that minimum wage jobs are ‘lazy’. You have to stand for hours and its still a lot of work.


meatball402 t1_iy3gdg8 wrote

> The problem is people feel entitled to make more when they do nothing to further themselves, minimum wage isn’t meant to be able to afford a nice place and buy nice things.

If they're just making enough to get by, they don't have time or money to further themselves.