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hopopo t1_iy113b3 wrote

Reply to comment by JizzyTurds in minium wage increase by MissMilkerss

I would not call people who work minimum wage jobs lazy. That is ignorant thing to say the least.

We need to give people a chance to better them self, and even if they can't they still have a right to live a dignified life.

Did you have to work 2-3 minimum wage jobs at 80-100 hours a week while you were getting your shit together and going back to school? Did you have a roof over your head or did you have to balance the earnings that pay enough to live on our own with rental help that keeps your family from being homeless?

Also, not everyone is capable of finishing trade or higher education for plethora or reasons including mental issues and disabilities.

Are disabled adults not entitled to live a decent life even though the best they can do is sweep the floors, flip the burgers, or bag groceries?