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mikeputerbaugh t1_iy42zcw wrote

What do you mean “real irl nj site”?

It’s not a government-sanctioned official site. It’s a privately owned news media business that got lucky with domain registrations in the 1990s.


Wonderful_Year_4422 t1_iy4384k wrote

New Jersians are such a buzz kill. Yawn, I know buddy pal I’m making a joke that everything that comes out of this state is trash. I don’t need a history lesson on my own history. NJ even markets this site as the go too. It’s a fuxken joke mate


DeDodgingEse t1_iy4tptr wrote

Lol wtf are you doin in a NJ sub if you hate it so much?

Mans was literally just asking you a question about your shit english and was trying to help you.