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mcgeggy t1_iwpsvcf wrote

Fucking bureaucrats. Nobody pays attention to the standard generic warnings, I bet these creative slogans were having some impact at least…


mama_duck17 t1_iwqbq85 wrote

It did for me! I’m not 100% on my seatbelt wearing. (Foolish I know!) but every time I see the “it’s just clicks…” sign I double check my seatbelt is on.


gggg500 t1_iwrktu7 wrote

There will be no fun allowed. Those in power want us to live dull, bleak lives with no small enjoyments whatsoever.


doglywolf t1_iwroiru wrote

100% sure people considered the intent behind those messages 10x more then would of with standard ones everyone tunes out.


Crab-_-Objective t1_iwrefkh wrote

I have never before talked about DOT message boards with people prior to these but have constantly been talking about them with people since they went up.


whimsicalsteve t1_iwsbfe1 wrote

Not just buricrats. Clearly there's more than one Karen complaining to them.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_iws5u6l wrote

Either that or causing more people to handle their cellphone to grab social media clout points.

Like, some of them caused the issue they were warning against, based on the amount of pictures I've seen on Reddit and Facebook groups.


ParticularWar9 t1_iwtagnq wrote

Or maybe just photos taken by a passenger, Karen.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_iwtav1m wrote

Lol, stop. It's cute, but roadside distractions shouldn't be a thing. Roads are already dangerous enough.

First time I've been called a Karen though. Kind of an interesting achievement.


ParticularWar9 t1_iwtbv4h wrote

To some people everything is a roadside distraction. At least the signs provide some focus for the distraction. Would rather DOT focus on taming those incredibly bright headlights we're all being subjected to. Nearly everyone I've spoken to thinks they can't drive at night now because they're being blinded, including younger people.


b4ngl4d3sh t1_iwtcsrr wrote

Now there's something we can FULLY agree on. Those lights are the worst. Non stop high beams.

As far as the signs go, I'll be honest, I'm pretty indifferent to them! I was bored at work, lol.


ParticularWar9 t1_iwtgpmm wrote

I was just joking, too. But yeah, those high beams are ridiculous, esp on two lane roads. Blinding. Read that in Europe laws mandate that when these cars sense another vehicle approaching they must dim to a certain level or mechanically lower the focus of the beam, but the USDOT will not allow this software or the mechanical modifications. There was a discussion on Reddit about this roughly 6 weeks ago.


warrensussex t1_iwqukue wrote

People were paying so much attention they were taking pictures of the signs while driving. To think people stopped using their phone, speeding, driving drunk/high because of a creative sign is naive.


Frez0 t1_iwr57hj wrote

Not sure I’d say naive. Maybe it has something to do with giving people a chuckle so they relax for a second and they calm down. At times when commuting you get so caught up in the getting to/from work that the break might make someone stop and think about their driving. These signs have made my commute a bit less crappy.


warrensussex t1_iws0edg wrote

I understand the idea and agree they are amusing. I still believe it is naive to think that you are going to convince someone to slow down, put on a seat belt, or stop using their phone while driving. Especially using the phone.


mcgeggy t1_iws9vwn wrote

Literally someone above said it did exactly that…


mcgeggy t1_iwquzdm wrote

Found the bureaucrat…


warrensussex t1_iwqv37v wrote

Found the naive fool...


bleachmartini t1_iwr2qg7 wrote

Don't you have a manger to ask for, or maybe someone in a service job to yell at


warrensussex t1_iwrzx1o wrote

I'm sorry you think that a clever saying is going to change someone's mind about using their phone while driving. I don't see what that has to do with me yelling at anyone.
