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johnnyss1 t1_iy3lecj wrote

Is this a trick question? All of them


StriderTB t1_iy3lfxr wrote

Big talk for someone from Texas to talk about anyone else as corrupt lol.


MerWinterCakeGiants t1_iy3lsjx wrote

Probably not a city but a small town in south Jersey (Deep South) or north east Jersey.

Town I grew up in was basically owned by one family.


biz_reporter t1_iy3lzy1 wrote

And I always thought Illinois is the most corrupt state simply because most governors ended up in jail and the same family ran Chicago for like 50 years.


theirishcannoli t1_iy3mamd wrote

The only non corrupt politician is a dead politician.


TheRacoonist t1_iy3nghw wrote

>I heard someone from TX ...

Oh, fuck off


LemurCat04 t1_iy3nnj7 wrote

I make it a point of ignoring people from Texas when they are incapable of cleaning up their own house and want to comment on someone else’s. Talk to me about corruption when your Attorney General stops firing whistle blowers and taking bribes.


TimSPC t1_iy3ohe7 wrote

Thinking New Jersey is uniquely corrupt is a provincial mentality.


pe_grumbly t1_iy3okoi wrote

The usual model for measuring corruption in states is per capita convictions of public officials. Generally NJ is indeed among the top 10 states for corruption, it's never been #1 though. That's usually Illinois or Louisiana, sometimes New York or Tennessee.

Astute observers will also note an issue with the metric, if public officials are never caught or convicted of anything, no corruption! (see the article posted below )


Leftside-Write t1_iy3okt3 wrote

Likely the most corrupt isn't a city, but the wealthier suburbs. Many of the smaller towns had mafia or 'other' interest if not involvement.


5footfilly t1_iy3oq3q wrote

Unless you’re equipped with actual facts, how on earth can you assess if what Texas Tim was saying is based on actual facts?

I have no “facts” to back me up but I suspect you may have an agenda here.


Beginning-Type-4217 t1_iy3otcy wrote

all the major citys are corrupt in NJ how do you think they stay blue ? when they do absolutly nothing but steal money for themselves and make things worse for everyone else


Academic-Summer-3438 t1_iy3pkqy wrote

All of them, but Hudson and Essex Counties probably have the highest levels of corruption just due to their proximity to Manhattan


scrubjays t1_iy3sjzn wrote

I have lived in Chicago, and in Albany, and NJ is by far the most corrupt place I have ever been. In each of those places there are very particular places to steal, and ways to do it. In Bergen county there are 70 towns, and 74 school districts and some similar number of police agencies. Each one, plus every public service, is a different opportunity for someone to steal. Whether it is a town worker in Ridgewood stealing $400,000 in quarters from parking meters or the newly elected mayor of Hoboken taking $2500 in a paper bag from a stranger in a diner, NJ corruption is stunning in how common it is, for such small amounts. That the mayor of Jersey city for over 100 years has always served time in prison is just one small bite out of the huge smorgasbord of NJ corruption.


alvb t1_iy3u971 wrote

I would agree our corruption is pretty terrible. I think the worst town/city is AC. With all the money that flows into that city, it should be in much better shape.


PirateForward8827 t1_iy3x376 wrote

Trenton, Newark, and Camden, among others, have a long history of politicians going to jail. And I would guess that most are not caught or charged.


Electronic-Nature114 t1_iy4252h wrote

Weren’t these the people who forgot to WD40 their windmills before winter and froze 90% of the state for a month??


scrubjays t1_iy4b7ug wrote

>Why? How?

Here, because of so much local rule. NYC has 1 school district and 1 police system, for 1 million students and 9 million citizens. Bergen county has 74 school districts and 72 police forces for 1 million residents. That is 70 times the number of contracts, negotiations, purchasing dept etc. Each one is a different opportunity to steal. If you just look at the cost of maintaining 70 police chiefs and school superintendents, you can start to see the scale of waste. If you follow the news whenever some local town official goes down for using town services, that is the sort of thing that is really common here and unlikely in other places.


New_Stats t1_iy4hmdq wrote

They sure do love their corruption in Texas,

she said, knowing damn well she voted for Menendez and would fucking do it again if he wins the next primary, God damnit


CapeManiac t1_iy4o39u wrote

NYC police department and DOE hAVE HUGE employee lists and MANY “director” level staff that would exist in other forms if smaller departments or districts existed.

In other words aren’t really any less chances of corruption to happen because they’re still as many people are just about as many people in the process. just look up NYCDOE organizational chart for just one level of insanity.


scrubjays t1_iy4ptm7 wrote

Union contracts. One contract for all the cops, one for all the teachers in NYC. One group of negotiators. In Bergen county, there are at least 140 different contracts for the same thing. 140 groups of lawyers and negotiators, all of whom have to be paid every 3 years. That is one tiny facet of the differences between the systems.


CapeManiac t1_iy4zb3a wrote

The njea has negotiators for the districts, again it may be more efficient and even cost saving to do what you’re proposing but doubtful it reduces “corruption” to any degree.


scrubjays t1_iy50rye wrote

You think that having hundreds and hundreds of places where lawyers and union negotiators meet rather than one might not make for more opportunities for corruption? I am not talking about the water, housing and sewer authorities, all of which also have multiple contracts. NJ politics is set up for ample opportunities for corruption. At one point in the last few decades, NJ had no city over 100,000 people that did NOT have a mayor either indicted or convicted in the previous decade. That does not happen in other states. Don't take my word for it:

In other states, when the corruption gets too out of hand, they centralize. If you want to steal in New York State, you go to Albany. Here, you don't have to go to Trenton to get your cousin the snow plowing contract, or get your son on the police force when you are the mayor of the town. All this local rule makes so many places for corruption, we are buried in it.


biz_reporter t1_iy6oky0 wrote

Your perspective is interesting. However, I don't think centralization is often the solution. Look to Massachusetts as an example. Corruption at the county level that nearly bankrupted Middlesex County led to the abolishen of 8 counties in the late 1990s and resulted in local tax savings. The remaining counties are mostly centered around Cape Cod and the Islands where most of the towns are unincorporated making the county services important unlike in the rest of the state. Granted, Massachusetts has half as many cities and towns as NJ. Most towns in Mass are physically larger than what you find in Bergen, Essex and Union counties here. Nonetheless, we don't hear many stories about corruption from Massachusetts.

The Washington Post last year listed the 6 most corrupt states, and NJ was 5th. It also shows that mayors and city councils of large cities are just as prone to corruption as little town mayors as evidenced by the Chicago and New Orleans examples in the article. And even mid-size mayors like in Providence, R.I. are capable of gross corruption too. This too proves that centralization does not stop corruption.

I've often wondered if Massachusetts' decision to abolish its counties might save NJ tax payers. I pay as much to my municipal government as I do to my county government. My tax bill would drop by a fourth without it. Though presumably the state would have to pick up county duties, but they could also get rid of the ANCHOR Benefit in exchange for the end of county taxes.