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sutisuc t1_iy3rx3t wrote

Remember when they told us the delay was so “they could get it right” and make sure the people were most harmed by the old marijuana laws would be able to get in on the ground floor?


doglywolf t1_iy410rk wrote

Yea plus crazy application and processing fees in the thousand just to get a shot at the 2-3 license they city might give out. How much did they make off people via that process knowing damn well their political buddies were already promised those licenses


ratatosk212 t1_iy4vbvx wrote

Yep, they were just waiting to get their palms greased by the right people. Big shock. Very Jersey.


PIZT OP t1_iy4dowc wrote

Yeah the catch is to make the barrier to entry so high it scares away most people