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QuarterCupRice t1_ixfnyci wrote

I moved my car after I got rear ended and the other car fled as well. The state police where much nicer then your police. I’m sorry they gave you a hard time. I always thought you were told to move the cars if everyone was uninjured and if the cars were blocking traffic.
The cops were just jerks, or at least one was.


OceanAvenue187 OP t1_ixfo997 wrote

THANK YOU!!!! Yes, this is what I needed to hear. I don’t understand how the “don’t move your car” rule is more important than the safety of passengers…?!


Sirlancemehlot t1_ixg5nz3 wrote

There is no "don't move your car rule" in NJ. You are actually obligated to move put of the traffic pattern to a safe area if your car is operational. Just FYI


psuedonymously t1_ixh9b0j wrote

> There is no "don't move your car rule" in NJ. You are actually obligated to move put of the traffic pattern to a safe area if your car is operational. Just FYI

It really pisses me off how many people will jam traffic for miles by blocking a lane because they had a slight fender bender and they think they have to preserve the crime scene instead of pulling over to the shoulder, as if a CSI team is on the way to gather forensic evidence on your broken taillight.


ohnjaynb t1_ixhdmnz wrote

True, but cops are enforcing this behavior so I don't blame them.


squeaky-to-b t1_ixhlh3t wrote

Yes! It's not a crime scene, pull your car over.


bbqawss t1_ixih9u5 wrote

did you or u/psuedonymously actually read the post at the top?

OP is quite literally telling you why people don't move. be mad at idiot cops not the people trying to comply with them.


psuedonymously t1_ixiwm82 wrote

They don’t move because they heard about an idiot cop on reddit this morning?

Hell, let’s say that’s true despite the confusing temporal mechanics that would require. I’m going to take the position that it’s better to get yelled at by one misguided cop than grind rush hour traffic to a standstill for an hour.


bbqawss t1_ixixtdg wrote

why do ppl play dumb in situations like this? obv i don't believe this exact story is the reason all ppl do it.

but because ppl know that police will do anything to give them a hard time, this story is an easy example of the reason why they do what they do.

and im glad u feel safe enough around cops that "getting yelled at by a misguided cop" is the worst outcome u can imagine for urself here. not everyone is in the same boat.


psuedonymously t1_ixiz2md wrote

It’s not complicated. Do not leave your operational car in the middle of traffic, period. It’s dangerous, it’s illegal, it’s incredibly inconsiderate.

While the police in the US are a violent, often racist institution are you seriously making the case that you have to break this law because of that? If you encounter a dangerous, racist cop you’re even more likely to trigger them by breaking the law than following it.


squeaky-to-b t1_ixjo5cb wrote

Yea, I did, I just happen to agree with the user who said that even if they had not moved their car, the cop would have reprimanded them, just instead for blocking traffic.

My husband has been involved in multiple hit and runs. He's been reprimanded for moving, and for not moving, and in one case where the driver didnt flee the scene, the cop insisted there was nothing he could do because he didn't witness the accident despite there being immediately accessible video evidence.

Most cops aren't going to help you anyway, so move your damn car out of the middle of the road.


thisisntlegaladvice0 t1_ixio5lv wrote

Sometimes it's just fear. I was sideswiped by an 18 wheeler on 287. Couldn't see passenger side without exiting into traffic to confirm car was operational and everyone was zooming by so fast, I was afraid to pull from left shoulder to right shoulder.


Omegacron t1_ixig5hd wrote

Exactly that officer was trying to not write a report.


1bohan t1_ixg1bq4 wrote

Also- get the report and make sure the cop wasn’t a jerk and edited it… make sure everything was correct


BF_2 t1_ixg4an7 wrote

I don't think NJ has a rule not to move your car. IIRC you are supposed to move your car out of traffic. It is not fleeing the scene if you're still in the vicinity.

Get an attorney. Have the attorney tare that cop a new one for expecting you to remain in the travel lane with a car full of children.


Flaky-Fish6922 t1_ixgx35h wrote

honestly, consider complaining to whoever will listen(city council?), removing your car (and your kids) to a safe place should never be criticized,

conflating that's with actually fleeing the scene... that's just a prick being a prick,


BenBishopsButt t1_ixhg26u wrote

Yep. Complaining to the police chief directly is a waste of breath. Probably nothing will happen anyways but at least your council members are elected.


doglywolf t1_ixhmcrb wrote

take a few pics and move your car - your protecting your kids , other people on the road , not causing huge delays for everyone else - cops should understand that .


thebusiness7 t1_ixghm85 wrote

Question: what was the degree of damage to your car?


KhaoticPenguin t1_ixjtvl3 wrote

The safety of you and your passengers is first, those police were just being lazy. Even if a cop is pulling you over, you have the right to wait until their is a safe place to pull over.


solesme t1_ixi8gpb wrote

Did they ever catch the person? I'm starting to see a trend where people hit and run.


OceanAvenue187 OP t1_ixj90y8 wrote

Yes, I got a picture of her plates and they traced it to an Enterprise and got her information.