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dethskwirl t1_ixh6yzr wrote

You don't have to call the cops or leave your car at the accident.

In fact, you should just get the other drivers info, call your insurance and their insurance, then move along with your day.

The cop was probably just annoyed with you for being that typical karen who calls the cops and starts crying about a literal accident.

He probably condescendingly said, "well you moved from the scene too, so I have no way of knowing what happened and who was at fault"


arthuriurilli t1_ixhjkl1 wrote

Insurance companies often demand a police report.

Which is stupid as hell, but somebody isn't a Karen for calling the cops after somebody hit and run them.


thirtythr33 t1_ixhsam5 wrote

yes, but you can file for a police report without police responding to the accident if there is not significant damage or physical injury. the police report serves as a legal document swearing the accident occurred under penalty of perjury or other criminal charges if falsely filed.