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bubblegumdavid t1_iwvvma8 wrote

Nonprofit is my academic field and field of work and I promise those of us who give a crap about the causes work really hard to try to fix it :(

My advice is always to look at charity navigator for info on a nonprofit’s reliability, and whenever possible (just like in the private sector) give to someplace local! I’ve only ever worked for state level or smaller focused organizations and programs, and from the top down we all are not making much money and give crazy hours and effort to our missions. Once where I worked my executive director was mopping the homeless shelter because we needed an extra hand.

TLDR: Pls don’t discount the whole sector because the big guys suck, us smaller orgs give a crap and work crazy hard and usually make a LOT under what we’d make in the private sector to do something we care about


Keizman55 t1_iww6oy6 wrote

Thanks. I volunteer for Monmouth County Food Bank (Fulfil). There are paid staff because the place couldn’t run or be funded without them, but we really help many people who are struggling. Giant warehouse, fleet of trucks, well organized. I enjoy delivering food to my area. Have met some really nice people who have been caught up hardships for health or other reasons.