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Zyply00 t1_ix3t9id wrote

> you don't go to HR for something like this, you report it first to the Labor Department

Your original point was, " you don't go to HR for something like this, you report it first to the Labor Department, and when, not if you get fired, it's clearly retaliation" so honestly what part am I missing? It's very simple to understand your original point. But that isn't how it works, and it will just waste time and money because it creates unnecessary confusion. As for my assumptions, where am I off of thinking this is misguided? You're clearly mad at the company, which you should be, which I am as well, so you take the path of least resistance, which I just explained above because this is what everyone is told to do from companies and the DOL.

It seems you think I'm not on the victims' side or something. I'm a professional and heavily advocate for human rights but aim to provide factual information to empower people to be effective and not react in anger but with information to get results. I do think from here we've had enough back and forth where any further communication wouldn't be useful so I'll jump ship.