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Aware_Pool5073 t1_ixochch wrote

Go to an emergency room. Tell them you were in an auto accident. You have a short time period to report it and blame it on the accident. Your insurance will handle it. Don’t risk being in pain the rest of your life.


tubbyneko OP t1_ixocqnz wrote

how short is the time period? because i’m thinking of going tomorrow, i just really don’t want to ruin the rest of the day even more then it already is. i was in my boyfriends car as a passenger so i guess it goes through his auto insurance? idk how any of this work tbh


MohnJaddenPowers t1_ixoi5xi wrote

Stop posting on reddit and go now. Don't fuck around with timing on this so the insurance can later deny your claims for ANY reason. Go to the ER, bring a book.


thirtythr33 t1_ixokkmb wrote

you have an injury and need to make sure it’s not severe. it took some time for the swelling to begin and the pain to start, but that’s fairly normal. if you go tonight they can check you out and take steps that will make you more comfortable and reduce the chance of lasting damage.


doubtfulisland t1_ixormr0 wrote

Also do not talk to the insurance company call a lawyer. Wait until at least a year to settle. Got to physical therapy if need be for as long as you need. Don't be shy you are the only one that will advocate for you when it comes to your medical well-being. Our bodies are wild and sometimes things settle in weird places or take time to heal or become the new normal. The lawyers won't take any money unless they win.

Sources of experience. I experienced getting cut out of a car in 2017. My now wife is a primary care provider. No one advocates for patients in your own self interest except patients.


sugarmonkeywife t1_ixov12f wrote

You have time. But if something is happening seek treatment. As long as she has insurance eventually it will be covered through hers once you’ve completed treatment. If he hasn’t already, file the claim online. He has personal injury protection on his policy but it gets more involved from there. Long story short the billing isn’t quick so seek treatment now and don’t sweat it.


SD-777 t1_ixq115z wrote

Yes it goes through his auto insurance unless you have insurance in your name, if you have your own insurance then that would cover you even if you weren't in your own car. If you were not officially on his policy it would go through as host insurance meaning you have $250k of medical benefits from his policy. If you are officially on the policy then the medical benefits would be whatever the policy states, which has a minimum of $15k. Either way you are fully covered and should go straight away to the ER and let them decide what treatment/studies you need.

Also report the accident to your boyfriend's policy so you have a claim number and can get the process started. The insurance will cover you for any subsequent needed medical care, therapy, studies, and even medications.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ixovwrs wrote

>You have a short time period to report it and blame it on the accident.

Actually if you reported no injury or the police reports indicate that you responded with no injury insurance will not cover for it [at least not fully] nor will the person who is responsible for the accident be liable for the damages done to you if you refused medical care or indicated you were not hurt.

Which is why if you are ever in a car accident you should never say you are not injured, you are not a medical professional nor is the officer on site. Always say you are unsure/do not know, a paramedic/first responder can treat and do basic assessments, from there you can chose to have the ambulance take you to the hospital or someone else can from the scene to the ER. The onus of responsibility is then on the responders and the person responsible for the accident, from that point insurance can fully cover those medical costs and damages.


thebongofamandabynes t1_ixplplx wrote

My guy this is bs. Car was totalled in 2019. Told the cops/sheriff's I wasn't hurt at the time of the accident. The guilty party all went to the hospital. Month later my back was seizing up, found a lawyer and the rest is history. You 100% can tell the EMTs you don't need to go to the hospital/you're not injured at the time of the crash.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ixqptb0 wrote

>My guy this is bs

Happened to my roommate and we learned straight from his lawyer so not bs.

>You 100% can tell the EMTs you don't need to go to the hospital/you're not injured at the time of the crash.

Not what I'm saying the important part is telling authorities and the other party you are not injured.