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Rimon07 t1_ixodm83 wrote

For your own safety, you both should go tonight. I was in an accident years ago and waited till the morning and found I couldn't move. Later on found out I had a fracture in my back. Still have issues today but it was scary not to be able to move. As for suing, if that is where you end up, lawyers will take the case, if there is one, and only get paid if you win and money, then they take a third of what you win. If you got t-boned from someone and they ran a stop sign, you have a case. The most important thing right now is to be sure you are ok. Go to the emergency room.


frizz1111 t1_ixov15z wrote

100% this. It would be wise to get an x-ray at least to rule out a fracture.


El_Otro_Lebowski t1_ixoy18b wrote

This is the right answer. Go to the ER and tell them you were in an MVA. Don't worry about a lawsuit now, just get checked out. If you are injured and need to file a suit, you have 2 years from the date of the accident to file. Hopefully you're fine and don't have to worry about any of this!