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Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ixovwrs wrote

>You have a short time period to report it and blame it on the accident.

Actually if you reported no injury or the police reports indicate that you responded with no injury insurance will not cover for it [at least not fully] nor will the person who is responsible for the accident be liable for the damages done to you if you refused medical care or indicated you were not hurt.

Which is why if you are ever in a car accident you should never say you are not injured, you are not a medical professional nor is the officer on site. Always say you are unsure/do not know, a paramedic/first responder can treat and do basic assessments, from there you can chose to have the ambulance take you to the hospital or someone else can from the scene to the ER. The onus of responsibility is then on the responders and the person responsible for the accident, from that point insurance can fully cover those medical costs and damages.


thebongofamandabynes t1_ixplplx wrote

My guy this is bs. Car was totalled in 2019. Told the cops/sheriff's I wasn't hurt at the time of the accident. The guilty party all went to the hospital. Month later my back was seizing up, found a lawyer and the rest is history. You 100% can tell the EMTs you don't need to go to the hospital/you're not injured at the time of the crash.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_ixqptb0 wrote

>My guy this is bs

Happened to my roommate and we learned straight from his lawyer so not bs.

>You 100% can tell the EMTs you don't need to go to the hospital/you're not injured at the time of the crash.

Not what I'm saying the important part is telling authorities and the other party you are not injured.