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lasermike026 t1_j2bowqd wrote

If you’re respectful, follow the rules and have your paperwork in order the people at the MVS are great. Look and listen to some of the interactions there. MVS people need counseling afterwards.


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2bps8p wrote

I have to disagree. I’m always respectful, follow the rules, have my papers as requested, but I always feel intimidated by their condescending attitude. By the way, not having your papers in order is no justification for them being complete jerks. This morning I was missing a document which was in my friend’s car who was waiting at the parking lot so when they asked for the paper I told them I will go get it, so I reached for my phone and texted my friend to bring the document to the door. The clerk responded unprovoked “put the phone down and listen to me! you need to show me so and so document”. I felt very disrespected.


lasermike026 t1_j2cdgy6 wrote

If you can only see things from your position every interaction you have will be disappointing. Good luck. If you are close enough, go to the Wayne MVS.


superjuicytuna t1_j2dgt5e wrote

i believe they have to be very specific because they deal with all sorts of people who may have communication issues. it may seem abrupt and rude but sometimes clarity is better than niceties.


SquirrelBoy t1_j2e0rrc wrote

So it's your fault you didn't have the document and you expected everyone else to wait for you to fix it when requirements and expectations were made clear before hand?


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2efg6m wrote

See, that right there shows the problem: people like you who expect everyone is 100% perfect, don’t forget anything, never make a mistake, etc. and on top of that you find it justified to talk down on people with a rude and nasty condescending attitude.


SquirrelBoy t1_j2eg1st wrote

But why is everyone expected to make exceptions for you? It's clear what documents are needed and you have a responsibility to make sure you have them before you waste people's time.


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2eqcn3 wrote

You’re taking this personal when it isn’t. It is not an expectation of me. It’s a reasonable human expectation. Happens to you and to everyone else. At some point in your life, despite your best efforts you’re still not perfect and if we as empathetic humans can’t tolerate that then that’s why we have angry, intolerant, with lack of people skills staff at DMV.


SquirrelBoy t1_j2eqq6d wrote

It is personal, because I run a call center for the state and run into people like you all the time. You're not special, you're not unique. We have a job to do and literally thousands of others we can't help because you want concierge service on a McDonald's budget.


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2ere4y wrote

At the end of the day, I blame the agency rather than the individual staff for such atrocious behavior. When you’re dealing with human beings you have to expect that mistakes will happen and it’s part of the job. So we can’t pretend that just because you’re sitting behind a counter you’re superior than your patrons. Such behavior would never be tolerated at my job and I would be out of a job if I behaved with such lack of empathy. People skills are essential to good customer service and it seems that the DMV could care less about that.


SquirrelBoy t1_j2erkq0 wrote

You're missing my point though, everyone wants a special exceptions every time. It's not just a one-time thing. It's an every interaction thing and we cannot have that or the whole system collapses.


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2esdw3 wrote

So why doesn’t it collapse at places where they treat people with courtesy? Most places I go, whether government agencies or private businesses, I get treated with respect and it seems it is only at the DMV where I observe this is rampant. So again, why doesn’t it collapse elsewhere?


SquirrelBoy t1_j2esw3f wrote

It has, you just haven't realized it. It's why the DOL is under such fire because they can't provide the services. Tens of thousands of calls a month go unanswered because we don't have the staff. Claims take weeks and weeks and weeks because we don't have the staff. So it's either we help people in the order that we get them with no exceptions or those who complain the loudest are going to get the help first which is more fair?


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2etfnv wrote

It has collapsed? LOL 😂 geez!!! And then you claim I’m missing the point and I haven’t realized things. Thanks for the laugh.

I’m still wondering why I can go so many businesses and government agencies and I don’t see the attitude I see at DMV. But you’re just going to say it is only me because I’m the only one that doesn’t get it and sees it that way because I’m blind. 😂😂


SquirrelBoy t1_j2etjit wrote

As a person on the other side, your attitude just reeks of entitlement. If you don't have your shit together go to the back of the line. It's as simple as that.


Pretend_Selection334 OP t1_j2eubwf wrote

You have to admit that the environment at DMV you don’t see it happening with the same magnitude elsewhere. You still haven’t answered why that is the case.


SquirrelBoy t1_j2eukfm wrote

I don't know, I don't work at the DMV, but I do work in an area that I can understand and commiserate why they feel that way.


ratinthecellar t1_j2cggcb wrote

You were in the middle of a Jersey interaction. The correct response was to say "Listen to ME snapper head, I'm calling my friend in the parking lot to get THAT document and bring it in here so we can part ways sooner than later, so fucking relax." Proper Jersey response is key.


Cantholditdown t1_j2dw2vz wrote

If you can actually figure out what you need with their Byzantine system. I have had the website say one thing and they say something different and then treat you like an asshole when it is there system is wrong. The mvc in NJ is a special place in hell.