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hammnbubbly t1_j1f9vs0 wrote

What county are you in? Hope your power comes back soon.


suspiciousd1rt t1_j1famrp wrote

Morris County, there seems to power outages all over. JCPL estimates are after 6pm, but I do not think it's safe for the power guys to go out there and fix yet.

It's ok though, we have a generator, so if nothing else, my dog and I will be staying very toasty when we're not going outside for potty breaks.


SnooWords4839 t1_j1fft9i wrote

Our Border Collie isn't liking only 10 minute walks, he is ready to go, too windy and cold for more than 10 minutes for me. Eyeballs are still defrosting right now from our last quick walk.


suspiciousd1rt t1_j1hnzak wrote

My poor terrier mix needs a jacket at 45 degrees, so outside she's cold and confused as to why we're not walking. All I can say to her is "pee faster please".


suspiciousd1rt t1_j1ho5iw wrote

Update: Power came back on at 9pm, so about 5 hours down. Before that though my neighbor had to run an extension cord to my house because his roll out generator was too cold to turn on and he needed electric for his sump pump to run. The wind also pushed our bbq over.