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MyNameIsDaveToo t1_j076e5h wrote

Cars only is for bennies


MrRob_NJ t1_j085is2 wrote

I always go 'cars only'. I feel like you stick out more to police on the trucks and buses side with a car.


EggbroHam t1_j07jvuy wrote

hey fuckface, i like cars only!


MyNameIsDaveToo t1_j07knva wrote

Nothing wrong with that, enjoy sitting in traffic while we cruise by you in the CTB lanes :)

That's really the only reason I made my original comment...every time I hit a jam on the cars-only side, the CTB side was free-flowing, every time. So I just started driving there exclusively.

Funny, in any other sub, I would take being called fuckface as having the intention to insult - but in New Jersey, that's just how we talk.


hopopo t1_j07lcqj wrote

This is not true at all. When I moved to US I listened to my uncle who swore by this, and quickly learned this is not true.

Same thing goes for cops pulling people over. Local on GSP and Trucks and Cars on TP won't keep you safe from cops.


[deleted] t1_j07lrgj wrote



hopopo t1_j07mcsq wrote

You just go along with narrative that is over 20 years old and has absolutely nothing to do with day to day traffic now where most participants simply turn to GPS to figure the least congested route at the particular time.

Get it?


stickman07738 t1_j0793jb wrote

Same for GSP express lanes


ianisms10 t1_j07sa44 wrote

I was taught by my parents to never take the express just in case there's an accident and a lane gets shut down


ianisms10 t1_j08ok24 wrote

I don't drive on the Turnpike very often, but I get anxiety when I'm behind trucks. That's also why I stay in the left lane most of the time.


PracticableSolution t1_j07hief wrote

Trucks. Would rather drive with the pros than Karen in her $100k SUV dragging ass in the left lane while texting


hopopo t1_j07l0hf wrote

Whatever Google tells me. I have no will of my own.


greensocks77 t1_j07hszs wrote

Trucks aren’t always pros these days. Would rather an accident with a car than a truck.


clefairys t1_j07dq69 wrote

One time Waze told me to take cars only.... never again.


EWR-RampRat11-29 t1_j07qljk wrote

I wish that dump trucks had their own lanes. Crap always flying off of them and from the tires.


blumpkin_donuts t1_j07g2sh wrote

Cars during the week.

Cars, trucks, and busses on the weekend.

I thought this was common NJ knowledge, no?


Drophitchr t1_j07z3fx wrote

Real Heroes take their trucks and buses into the car lanes.


throwawayventing2001 t1_j0arptm wrote

i have an extreme fear of being crushed by a careless truck after it almost happened to my family a few years ago... so i try to stay as far away from them as possible


peter-doubt t1_j076bal wrote

Yes depends on time of day and direction.


beeps-n-boops t1_j08xme6 wrote

Whichever one Waze tells me to take.


daddyrchu t1_j07l5z8 wrote

You said the quiet part out loud


SnooWords4839 t1_j07p1jj wrote

CTB - usually less AH's, not guaranteed.

Wish the sign would say cars must pass trucks while in left lane or get in car only.


murphydcat t1_j08is8y wrote

I used to commute from NJTPK Exit 14B to Exit 13. Heading south during rush hour, truck lanes were almost always moving smoother than the car lanes.


rollotomasi07071 t1_j07b2sw wrote

Take Route 1 and avoid the tolls. Plus you can stop at the Wawas and QuickCheks.
